Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Inglewood Forest

Englewood, Ingleswood

Inglewood Forest, historically known as Inglewood Chase, was a significant forest located in the county of Cumberland, which is now part of Cumbria, England.

This forest, situated south of Carlisle, was the site of adventures in Middle English Arthurian texts, including The Awntyrs off Arthure at the Terne Wathelyne, The Avowing of King Arthur, Sir Gawain, Sir Kay, and Baldwin of Britain and The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle.

Inglewood Forest | 0 to 700 AD

Inglewood Forest was likely part of the broader region that was under Roman control during the Roman occupation of Britain. The Romans had a significant presence in Britain during the first to fourth centuries. The Romans may have engaged in some level of resource exploitation, including timber and possibly hunting, in the forests of northern England.

One of the primary reasons for the disappearance of Inglewood Forest was the expansion of agricultural lands. As the population grew and agriculture became a more significant economic activity, forests were cleared to create arable land for farming, pasture for livestock, and settlements. Forested areas were often cleared through a process known as “enclosure,” where common lands were privatized and converted into agricultural holdings.

Inglewood Forest, like many forests in medieval Europe, was a source of valuable timber for construction, shipbuilding, and fuel. Over time, the demand for timber and other forest resources led to extensive logging and deforestation.

Urban centers, towns, and villages expanded, leading to the conversion of forested areas into built-up areas and infrastructure. The nearby town of Carlisle, for example, experienced growth and development, which may have contributed to the reduction of forested lands.

Historically, royal and noble interests often intersected with the forest lands. Forests were used as hunting grounds, and royal and noble families had privileges related to hunting. Over time, some of these priveges were relaxed or altered, but they contributed to the management and use of forested areas.

See also
The Roman Empire | The Legend of King Arthur

The Awntyrs off Arthure at the Terne Wathelyn | Late 14th century
The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnell | 15th century
The Avowing of King Arthur, Sir Gawain, Sir Kay, and Baldwin of Britain | Late 13th century or early 14th century