Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Danish: Jylland

A large peninsula in Northern Europe that forms the continental part of Denmark and part of what is now northern Germany. Geoffrey calls this area Gothland.

The King of Jutland, Doldavius, voluntarily subjugated himself to Arthur in exchange for Arthur’s protection from invasion. Arthur commandeered warriors from Jutland for the invasion of Gaul and the Roman War.

Jutland | 0 to the 9th century AD

Germanic Tribes | 1st – 4th centuries
In the early centuries, Jutland was inhabited by various Germanic tribes, including the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. These tribes played a role in the migrations that eventually led to the settlement of the British Isles by the Angles and Saxons.

Roman Influence | 1st – 5th centuries
The southern parts of Jutland experienced some contact with the Roman Empire, especially during its expansion into Germania. Archaeological evidence suggests trade and cultural exchange between the local Germanic tribes and the Romans.

Migration Period | 4th – 7th centuries
The Migration Period saw the movement of Germanic tribes across Europe, and Jutland was no exception. The Angles and Jutes from Jutland migrated to Britain, contributing to the formation of kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxons.

Viking Age | 8th to 11th centuries AD
Jutland played a significant role during the Viking Age, characterized by seafaring, trade, and exploration. Jutland was a center for shipbuilding, and its people, known as the Danes, engaged in trade, exploration, and raids, targeted various parts of Europe, including Britain, Ireland, and the Carolingian Empire. The Danes established the Danelaw in England.

During this period, Jutland was not a unified political entity. It was divided into smaller regions and territories, each with its own chieftains and rulers. The absence of centralized authority contributed to the region’s role in Viking activities and maritime trade.

Charlemagne and Carolingian Period | 8th – 9th centuries
Jutland, along with other parts of Scandinavia, experienced interactions with the Carolingian Empire under Charlemagne. The Frankish Empire sought to assert influence over the northern regions, leading to conflicts and alliances with the local rulers.

The Christianization of Scandinavia began in the eighth century, and Jutland gradually converted to Christianity. Charlemagne’s efforts to spread Christianity influenced Jutland, and later, the religion became an important center for missionary activities. Justland’s role as a center of Viking activity continued even after the adoption of Christianity.

Political Fragmentation
Jutland, like other parts of Scandinavia, experienced political fragmentation, with local chieftains and petty kingdoms emerging during the Viking Age. This period laid the groundwork for the eventual formation of larger political entities, including the Kingdom of Denmark.

See also
Rome | The Legend of King Arthur

Historia Regum Britanniae | Geoffrey of Monmouth, c. 1138
Roman de Brut | Wace, c. 1155
Brut | Layamon, late 12th century to mid-13th century