Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia



Llancarfan is a village located in the Vale of Glamorgan, Wales. It is historically significant for its association with the early Christian saint, Saint Cadoc, and the establishment of a prominent monastic community, which became one of the most important centers of learning and religious activity in the region.

The monastic community at Llancarfan thrived as a place of scholarship, manuscript production, and religious devotion. It attracted scholars and students seeking education and spiritual guidance. The scriptorium at Llancarfan was known for producing and copying manuscripts, contributing to the preservation and dissemination of knowledge during that time.

The village is also associated with the hagiography The Life of St. Cadoc, which narrates the life and miracles of the saint. The hagiography emphasizes St. Cadoc’s virtues, his connection to miracles, and his role in establishing the monastic community at Llancarfan. In the hagiography, there is a reference to Dindraithof as a monastic settlement in Wales.

Over the centuries, the importance of Llancarfan as a monastic center diminished, but the village retained its historical and cultural significance. Today, Llancarfan remains a picturesque and tranquil place, known for its quaint charm and beautiful surroundings.

Llan, originally signified an inclosure, in Welsh. Some examples where the word is found: perllan, ‘orchard’; gwinllan, ‘vineyard’. In time it came to signify a church, probably including the church-yard. Myned i’r llan means ‘going to church’. The word glwys also means ‘church’.

See also
Llancarfan Abbey | The Legend of King Arthur

Life of St. Cadoc | Lifris, late 11th century