Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Maen Huail

Hueil’s Stone

Maen Huail is an ancient standing stone located in a field near the town of Ruthin in Denbighshire, North Wales. The stone itself is a large upright monolith, standing at a height of approximately 3,4 meters (around 11 feet).

The name “Maen Huail” is believed to have its origins in local folklore and legends. While the stone is not as famous as some other standing stones associated with King Arthur, it has been connected with Arthurian legends through Arthur’s nephew, Sir Huail (Hueil).

Huail was beheaded by Arthur on the stone, according to Elis Gruffydd (1490-1552). The young knight raided Arthur’s lands, stole his mistress, and mocked him for a limp, which Huail himself had inflicted.

Maen means a stone. The word maenor, which meant a division of land marked by stones, derived from maen.

See also
Carreg Carn March Arthur | The Legend of King Arthur