Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Newcastle is a common place name in the United Kingdom, and there are several cities, towns, and areas with this name. However, one of the most well-known and significant cities with this name is Newcastle upon Tyne, often referred to as simply Newcastle.

In Arthurian literature the lord of Newcastle was Sorneham of Newcastle.

Newcastle upon Tyne | 0 to 800 AD

Roman Period
The Roman presence in the region dates back to the second century AD when they established a fort known as Pons Aelius on the northern bank of the River Tyne. This fort served as a defensive outpost along Hadrian’s Wall, a Roman fortification built to protect the northern frontier of the Roman Empire in Britain.

Viking Incursions
In the late eighth and early ninth centuries, Viking raids and invasions began to occur along the northeastern coast of England, including the area around Newcastle. These Viking incursions contributed to the historical development of the region.

Anglo-Saxon Settlements
The early medieval period saw the gradual establishment of Anglo-Saxon settlements in the area. The arrival of Anglo-Saxon communities added to the cultural and demographic changes in the region.

Emergence of Newcastle
The name “Newcastle” is derived from the “new castle” that was built by the Normans in 1080 on the site of the Roman fort Pons Aelius. This castle was constructed by Robert Curthose, the eldest son of William the Conqueror, and played a strategic role in the Norman defense of the English-Scottish border.

Medieval Growth
Over the following centuries, the “new castle” grew into a town. It became a thriving center of trade, commerce, and manufacturing during the medieval period, thanks in part to its location along the River Tyne and its proximity to coal mines.

See also
Agravain’s Hill | The Legend of King Arthur