Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Palermo is the capital city of the autonomous region of Sicily in Italy.

It was the location of a battle between Arthur and Emperor Filimenis of Constantinople. At the conclusion of the war, Sir Floriant became king of Sicily and made Palermo his seat.

Palermo | 0 to 800 AD

Roman Period | 0 – 400 AD
In the early centuries AD, Palermo, like much of Sicily, was part of the Roman Empire. The Romans established their presence on the island, and Palermo became an important administrative and economic center. The Romans referred to Palermo by the name Panormus, which is of Greek origin and means “all-port” or “complete port,” reflecting the city’s strategic location and importance as a harbor. The city flourished under Roman rule, and various structures, including theaters and villas, were built during this time.

Vandal and Ostrogothic Rule | 5th – 6th centuries AD
The decline of the Western Roman Empire saw the invasion of various Germanic tribes. The Vandals, followed by Ostrogoths, took control of Sicily in the fifth and sixth centuries. This period witnessed significant social and political changes as the island transitioned from Roman to Germanic rule.

Byzantine Period | 535 – 827 AD
In the mid-sixth century, the Byzantine Empire, led by the Eastern Roman Emperor Justinian I, reclaimed Sicily from the Ostrogoths. Palermo came under Byzantine rule. Under Byzantine influence, Palermo experienced cultural and religious changes. The construction of churches and the introduction of Byzantine art and architecture left a lasting impact on the city.

Islamic Rule | 831 AD onward
The Arab-Muslim conquest of Sicily began in 827 AD, with the city of Palermo falling to the Arabs in 831. The Arab rule continued for several centuries, leaving a profound influence on the culture, architecture, and language of the region.

During the Arab period, Palermo became a major center of learning and trade in the Mediterranean. The city thrived as a multicultural hub where Arab, Byzantine, and Latin cultures coexisted.

See also
Monreal | The Legend of King Arthur

Floriant et Florete | c. 1250–1275