Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Bouuecestre, Lourecestre, Rouecestre, Rouencestre, Rouuestre

Rochester is a historic city in Kent, England.

The Bishop of Rochester, on orders from the Pope, brought about a reconciliation between Arthur and Guenevere after the queen’s affair with Lancelot was exposed.

Rochester | 0 to 9th century AD

Roman Period
Rochester, known as Durobrivae, was a Roman settlement. The Romans established a bridge over the River Medway, making it an important crossing point. The town likely had military and civilian components, as was common with Roman settlements.

Anglo-Saxon Period
With the decline of Roman influence and the departure of Roman legions from Britain in the early fifth century, the region came under control of Anglo-Saxon tribes. The Jutes are believed to have settled in the area, and it became part of the Kingdom of Kent.

Early Christian Influence and Medieval Development
The establishment of Christianity in Kent is often associated with St. Augustine’s mission to convert the Anglo-Saxons. The Diocese of Rochester, one of the oldest in England, were established by St. Augustine of Canterbury in 604, with the help of King Aethelberht of Kent.

Rochester likely continued as a settlement throughout the early medieval period. The establishment of the diocese and the presence of a bishopric would have contributed to the town’s importance.

Viking Raids
Like many coastal areas, Rochester experienced Viking raids during the ninth century. The Vikings targeted various settlements in England, seeking riches and territory. The raids contributed to the fortification of many towns, including Rochester.

See also
Rhun | The Legend of King Arthur

Vulgate Mort Artu | 1215-1230
The Stanzaic Le Morte Arthur | 14th century
Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470