Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Romanie, Romayne, Rome, Romenie, Rommenie

A country located between Southeastern Europe and Central Europe, bordering the Black Sea.

The name Romania derives from romanus, which is Latin for “citizen of Rome.”

Romania | 0 to 9th century AD

Dacians and Roman Conquest | 1st century BC – 106 AD
The region was inhabited by the Dacians, an ancient Thracian people. In 106 AD, the Roman Empire, led by Emperor Trajan, conquered the Dacian Kingdom. The capital of Dacia, Sarmizegetusa, fell, and the territory became a Roman province named Dacia.

Roman Dacia | 2nd century – 271 AD
Roman Dacia became part of the Roman Empire and experienced Romanization. Roman rule brought urbanization, infrastructure development, and cultural exchange. In 271 AD, due to pressure from external threats and economic challenges, the Roman Empire withdrew from Dacia, leaving the region vulnerable to various migratory groups.

Migration Period | 3rd – 6th centuries AD
During the Migration Period, various Germanic and Hunnic groups traversed the region. The Visigoths, Huns, Gepids, and Lombards were among the migratory groups that had an impact on the territory.

Avar and Slavic Invasions | 6th century AD
In the sixth century, Avars and slavs migrated into the region. The Avars, a nomadic people, established a presence in the Carpathian Basin. The Slavs settled in parts of present-day Romania, influencing the culture and language of the area.

Byzantine Influence and the First Bulgarian Empire | 7th – 9th centuries AD
The Byzantine Empire exerted influence in the region, especially in the south. In the seventh century, the First Bulgarian Empire emerged, and its influence extended into the northern parts of present-day Romania. The Bulgars and Byzantines vied for control over the region.

Arrival of the Hungarians | 9th century AD
In the late ninth century, the Magyars (Hungarians) entered the Carpathian Basin, establishing a presence in the Pannonian Plain. This marked the beginning of a period of interaction and conflict between the Magyars and local populations.

See also
Europe | The Legend of King Arthur
Goths | The Legend of King Arthur
Walachia | The Legend of King Arthur