Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Dacia was an ancient region in eastern and central Europe that corresponds roughly to modern-day Romania, Moldavia, and parts of Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, and Ukraine.

Geoffrey mentions that Arthur conquered Dacia after pacifying Britain.

Dacia | History

Indigenous Cultures
Dacia was originally inhabited by various indigenous tribes, including the Dacians and the Getae. These people had their own distinct cultures and were known for their skills in metalworking and fortification.

Dacian Wars | 101-106 AD
The Roman Emperor Trajan launced a series of military campaigns known as the Dacian Wars to conquer the region. The Dacian king, Decebalus, initially resisted the Roman incursions, but the Romans ultimately achieved victory. The conquest of Dacia was completed around 106 AD.

Roman Colonization and Province of Dacia
Dacia became known as Dacia Romana and was one of the northernmost provinces of the Roman Empire. The Romans introduced their administration, infrastructure, and culture to the region. Roman Dacia flourished under Roman rule, with the construction of roads, bridges, and cities. The Romans also introduced Christianity to the region.

The Roman presence led to the Romanization of Dacia, with Latin becoming the dominant language. Urban centers and infrastructure were developed, and Dacia became an important part of the Roman Empire’s economic and administrative network. The Latin-based language spoken in Dacia evolved into what is now the Romanian language. The legacy of Dacia and Roman colonization persisted in the cultural and linguistic heritage of the region.

Migration Period and Abandonment
In the third century, as the Roman Empire faced external pressures and internal crises, it began to withdraw from certain frontier regions, including Dacia. The process of abandonment was gradual, and the Romanized population either assimilated into neighboring territories or retreated with the Roman military.

Medieval Period and Invaders
In the centuries that followed the Roman withdrawal, Dacia became a crossroads for various migrating and invading groups, including Goths, Huns, Gepids, Avars, and Slavs.

Formation of Romanian Principalities
The medieval history of the region involves the establishment of various Romanian principalities, such as Wallachia and Moldavia, during the Middle Ages. These principalities emerged in the econtext of interactions with neighboring powers and the Orthodox Christian Church.

Ottoman and Habsburg Empires
In the later medieval and early modern periods, the Ottoman and Habsburg Empires exerted influence over parts of the historical Dacia region. The struggle for control between these empires shaped the geopolitical landscape.

Historia Regum Britanniae | Geoffrey of Monmouth, c. 1138
De Casibus Virorum Illustrium | Giovanni Boccaccio, 1355-1362