Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Snowdonia is a mountainous region located in northwest Wales.

Snowdonia National Park covers a large area in Gwynedd and Conwy counties. It is the largest national park in Wales and includes a variety of landscapes, such as mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers, and forests. The park is home to Mount Snowdon, or Yr Wyddfa in Welsh, the highest peak in Wales and England.

Snowdonia is connected to Arthurian legends, being linked to various events and places.

King Arthur’s Birthplace
According to some versions of the Arthurian legend, King Arthur is said to have been born at Tintagel, located in Cornwall. However, other versions suggest that he was born in a castle on Mount Snowdon in Snowdonia.

The Afanc
In Welsh folklore, there is a tale of the afanc, a mythical lake monster associated with certain lakes in Snowdonia, such as Llyn yr Afanc. Some versions of the Arthurian legends mention Arthur battling water monsters, and the afanc legend might have influenced these stories.

The Battle of Camlann
One of the final battles of King Arthur, known as the Battle of Camlann, is said to have taken place in the vicinity of Snowdonia. In some versions of the legend, it is suggested that Arthur fought Mordred, his traitorous nephew, in this region.

Excalibur and the Avalon Connection
One notable association involves Arthur’s legendary sword, Excalibur, and the Lady of the Lake. According to some versions of the Arthurian legends, after the Battle of Camlann, it is said that Arthur was taken to the mystical island of Avalon to heal from his wounds. In some versions, Avalon is identified with Glastonbury in Somerset, but others suggest connections to Snowdonia.

The Mabinogion
Additionally, the Mabinogion, a collection of Welsh medieval tales, includes stories that are sometimes considered part of the broader Arthurian tradition. Culhwch and Olwen, one of the tales in the Mabinogion, features Arthur and his warriors, and references to places in Snowdonia can be found in these tales.

See also
Arthur’s Grave | The Legend of King Arthur
King Arthur and Guenevere’s Grave | The Legend of King Arthur
Bwlch-y-Groes | The Legend of King Arthur
Bwlch-y-Saethu | The Legend of King Arthur
Carnedd Arthur | The Legend of King Arthur
Carnedd y Cawr | The Legend of King Arthur
Carreg Carn March Arthur | The Legend of King Arthur
Castell y Cidwm | The Legend of King Arthur
Culhwch | The Legend of King Arthur
Llyn Llydaw | The Legend of King Arthur
Llyn Ogwen | The Legend of King Arthur
Ogof Lanciau Eryri | The Legend of King Arthur
Olwen | The Legend of King Arthur
Rience | The Legend of King Arthur