Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


A major port city located on the south coast of England, in the county of Hampshire.

Chrétien mentions this port where Alexander and his companions came ashore when they arrived in Britain from Greece.

King Hoel was said to have landed with a massive army when he came to the aid of his cousin, King Arthur.

Southampton | 0 to 9th century AD

Roman Period | 1st – 5th century
In the first century AD, the Romans established the town of Clausentum on the site of present-day Southampton. Clausentum was a Roman settlement and port, likely serving as a base for the Roman fleet. Clausentum was part of the Roman province of Britannia. The Romans developed it as a key center for trade and communication.

Post-Roman Period | 5th – 9th centuries
With the decline and withdrawal of Roman influence from Britain in the fifth century, Clausentum faced changed. The area came under the influence of Anglo-Saxon settlers. The town’s Roman structures may have been abandoned or repurposed during this period.

Anglo-Saxon Period | 6th – 9th centuries
The Anglo-Saxons established control over the region, and Southampton became part of the Kingdom of Wessex. The town, known as Hamwic, became a prominent trading center during the later Anglo-Saxon period. It served as a link between Wessex and continental Europe. Hamwic was a bustling port with ties to the wider Anglo-Saxon trade network.

Viking Raids | 8th – 9th centuries
Southampton, like other coastal areas, faced Viking raids during the eighth and ninth centuries. Viking incursions affected the region and led to changes in local governance and defence.