Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Spolet, Spoletto, Spolett

Spoleto is a historic town in the region of Umbria, which is located in central Italy.

One of many cities to surrender and send tribute to King Arthur after he had captured the city of Rome.

Spoleto | 0 to 9th century AD

Roman Period | 4th century BC – 5th century AD
Spoleto has ancient origins dating back to the Roman era. The town, known as Spoletium, was an important Roman colony and municipium. During the Roman Republic and Empire, Spoletium was a flourishing center with various public buildings, including temples, theaters, and an amphitheater. The Roman presence contributed to the town’s economic and cultural development.

Early Christian Period | 1st – 7th centuries
With the spread of Christianity, Spoletium became an important center for Christian communities. The Basilica of San Salvatore, a significant early Christian church, dates back to this period.

Transition Period | 5th – 6th centuries
The decline of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century led to political and social changes in Italy. The region, including Spoleto, experienced the impact of migrations and invasions by Germanic tribes.

Lombard Rule | 6th – 8th centuries
In the sixth century, the Lombards, a Germanic people, established a kingdom in Italy. Spoleto became part of the Lombard Duchy of Spoleto, which was a semi-independent entity within the Lombard Kingdom. The Lombards left a significant mark on the region, and Spoleto became one of the Lombard duchies.

Byzantine Influence and Fractured Rule | 6th – 8th centuries
During the Byzantine Exarchate of Ravenna’s rule in Italy, there were periods when Spoleto fell under Byzantine influence. The political situation in Italy was complex, with power struggles among the Lombards, Byzantines, and local rulers.

Frankish Influence | 8th century
In the eighth century, the Franks, under the rule of Charlemagne, exerted influence in Italy. The region of Spoleto experienced changes in rulership as it became part of the Carolingian Empire.

End of the 9th century
By the end of the ninth century, Spoleto had seen a series of political changes, and its history became intertwined with the broader historical context of Italy during the early medieval period.

See also
Byzantine Empire | The Legend of King Arthur

Alliterative Morte Arthure | c. 1400
Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470