Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia



Sussex is a historic county in the south east of England that borders the English Channel.

It was the site of the Castle Magance (Magouns), where Alexander the Orphan (Alisander) was raised.

When Mordred usurped Arthur’s throne, most of Sussex allied with him.

Sussex | 0 to 9th century AD

Prehistoric and Roman Period
Sussex has evidence of prehistoric settlements and activities dating back to the Paleolithic era. During the Roman occupation of Britain, the region that is now Sussex was part of the Roman province of Britannia. The Romans established settlements and infrastructure in the area, and Chichester, known as Noviomagus Reginorum, was an important Roman town.

Anglo-Saxon Settlement | 5th – 9th centuries
With the departure of the Romans in the early fifth century, the Anglo-Saxons, a Germanic people, began to settle in the region. Sussex, like neighboring Kent, was one of the earliest areas in England to be settled by the Anglo-Saxons.

Saxon Kingdom of Sussex
Sussex became the Kingdom of Sussex, one of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, in the early medieval period. It is believed to have been one of the seven traditional Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in England.

The spread of Christianity in England began during this period, with the conversion of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms to Christianity. Saint Wilfrid played a role in the Christianization of Sussex.

Viking Invasions and Alfred the Great
The ninth century saw Viking incursions into various parts of England, including Sussex. The Anglo-Saxon King Alfred the Great of Wessex played a significant role in defending England against Viking invasions. Sussex, like other regions, experienced Viking attacks and struggles for control.

The Name – Sussex
The name “Sussex” is derived from Old English, and hit has historical and linguistic significance. It is thought to mean “South Saxons” or “South Saxony.” In Old English, suth means “south,” and seaxe means “Saxons.” The name “Sussex” can thus be interpreted as the “South Saxons” or the land of the southern Saxons.

Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470