Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Tintagil, Tintagol, Tintaguel, Tintaiel, Tintoel

Tintagel is a region and village in Cornwall, England. It’s situated on the north coast of Cornwall, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Tintagel Castle, perched on the cliffs, is the most famous landmark in the region.

Naturally, this dukedom is composed of the territory around Tintagel Castle, possibly including more or less the whole northern half of present-day Cornwall. Chrétien de Troyes mentions Tintagil as one of Arthur’s places for holding court. It was in Tintagil that Erec, still with Arthur’s court, heard the news of King Lac’s death.

Assuming that Tibaut of Tintagil, was one of Arthur’s vassals, his recidency there would be quite compatible with Arthur’s use of it as a court city.

Tintagel Region | 0 to 9th century

Roman Period | 1st century BC – 4th century AD
Tintagel was a significant location during the Roman occupation of Britain, and it was part of the Roman province of Britannia. While there is no direct evidence of a Roman fort or settlement at Tintagel, the nearby settlement of Tintagel Island, where Tintagel Castle stands, was connected to the Roman presence in the region.

Early Medieval Period | 5th – 9th centuries
The history of settlement in the Tintagel region, particularly during the early medieval period, is complex and has seen a variety of cultural influences.

It is likely that Anglo-Saxons, who were Germanic peoples, had a presence in parts of Cornwall, including the Tintagel region, during the early medieval period. However, the extent of their settlement and influence in this specific area is not as well-documented as in other regions of England.

Celtic Britons
The Tintagel region was historically inhabited by the indigenous Celtic Britons before and during the Roman period. It is believed that they continued to live in the area during the early medieval period.

Trade and Contact
Tintagel’s coastal location and natural harbor made it a suitable site for trade and communication. The discovery of imported pottery and other artifacts at Tintagel Castle suggests that the region was connected to broader trade networks, and various cultural groups may have interacted here.

Viking Presence | 8th – 11th centuries
The presence of Vikings in the Tintagel region during the Viking Age is a possibility, although historical records are limited, and evidence of Viking activity is less common in this specific area compared to other parts of the British Isles.