
  1. Good Adventure
    Abbey of the Good Adventure, Biele Adventure

    An abbey that King Arthur erected near the Humber River, at the site of his victory over five kings who opposed him in the early days of his reign.

  2. Good Deed

    A monastery on the edge of the forest of Breckham, in northern Britain. It was an ancient hermitage, greatly expanded under the support of Duke Escant of Cambenic. Gawain lodged there during his adventures.

  3. Good Knight
    Bon Chevalier

    The banal epithet given to the Grail Hero in Perlesvaus and in the Vulgate Cycle. In the former, it refers to Perceval, while in the latter it means Galahad. Certain references in the Vulgate also apply it to Lancelot. Various prophecies heralded the coming of the 'Good Knight', who would solve the Grail adventures and advance Christianity in Britain.

  4. Good Knight Without Fear

    Son of Esclanor and father of Dinadan and Brunor the Black. The Good Knight’s true name, seldom used, was also Brunor the Black. He was known as a great knight in his day, and Uther Pendragon awarded him the realm of Estrangorre for his valor.

    Among his many adventures, he journeyed to the valley of Servage to rescue his friend, Ludinas of North Wales, from a giant called Nabon the Black. He defeated Nabon’s son Nathan, but was betrayed by a maiden and imprisoned in Nabon’s prison, where he went mad. He was eventually freed by Tristan, and he recovered his senses with the help of Baucillas, the king’s doctor.

    A story in the Italian Novellino relates how the Good Knight Without Fear told his own soldiers, who did not recognize him, that King Meliadus of Lyoness, his mortal enemy, was a better knight than he. For this "insult", he was seized by his own troops, only to be rescued by Meliadus. He was eventually murdered, as an old man, by two knights named Ferrant and Briadan.