Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Castle Eden

Castle Eden is a village in County Durham, in the northeast of England.

In this quaint village, a captivating legend intertwines the historical landscape with the mythical realm of King Arthur and his legendary knights. According to local folklore, Castle Eden was once graced by the presence of Arthur’s Hall. Here the king gathered with his knights, grand feasts were held, and the camaraderie of knights echoed through its hallowed halls.

Adding a touch of whimsy to the legend, the folklore goes further to suggest that the spirits of Arthur’s knights may still linger in the village, taking on the guise of chickens.

Castle Eden | 0 to the 9th century AD

Roman Period | 1st – 5th centuries
The Roman presence in Britain began in the first century AD and continued until the early fifth century. Roman influence included the construction of roads, forts, and other infrastructure. The Romans established settlements and traded with local populations.

Sub-Roman Period and Anglo-Saxon Settlement | 5th – 7th centuries
With the decline of the Roman Empire and the withdrawal of Romans from Britain, the region entered a period often referred to as sub-Roman or post-Roman. The Anglo-Saxons, a group of Germanic tribes, began settling in various parts of England during the fifth and sixth centuries.

Viking Invasions | 8th – 9th centuries
The Viking raids on England began in the late eighth century, with Vikings targeting monasteries, towns, and coastal areas. The Danelaw, a region under Viking control, was established in parts of England during the ninth century.

See also
Arthur’s Hall | The Legend of King Arthur
King Arthur’s Great Halls | The Legend of King Arthur