Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Camelford is a town in north Cornwall, England, situated on the River Camel. Camelford is located near the northwestern edge of Bodmin Moor.

Camelford is named by Layamon as the site of Arthur’s final battle against Mordred. This event is called Battle of Camlann in early Welsh tradition. Layamon erroneously thought that the town was on the River Tamar. It has been suggested as the site of Camelot. The exact historical basis for Arthurian legends remain a subject of debate among historians and archaeologists.

Camelford | 0 to the 9th century AD

Prehistoric and Roman Periods
The area around Camelford has evidence of prehistoric human activity, including the presence of ancient settlements and burial sites. The rugged landscapes of Bodmin Moor may have been inhabited during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. During the Roman period (first to fifth centuries AD), Cornwall, including the Camelford region, was part of the larger Roman province of Britannia.

Celtic and Saxon Influences | 5th – 9th centuries
Following the Roman withdrawal from Britain in the early fifth century, Cornwall retained its Celtic character. The region was influenced by Celtic languages and cultural traditions. The Saxon invasions and migrations that occured in other parts of England had less impact on Cornwall, which maintained its Celtic identity.

Early Settlements and Trade
During the early medieval period, settlements in the Camelford area likely consisted of small communities engaged in agriculture, trade, and possibly some mining activities. The River Camel would have been a vital transportation route.

The spread of Christianity reached Cornwall during the early medieval period. Christian communities and religious sites, such as early churches and monastic cells, may have begun to emerge in the region.

See also
Roman Empire | The Legend of King Arthur

Brut | Layamon, late 12th century to mid-13th century