Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Duke of Lorraine

Lorraine is a region in northeastern France.

The history of the Dukes of Lorraine dates back to the medieval period. The region was part of the Carolingian Empire and later the Holy Roman Empire. The rulers of Lorraine were often vassals of the Holy Roman Emperor.

In the course of the Roman War, as depicted in the Alliterative Morte Arthure and Malory, King Arthur’s troops traversed the region of Lorraine en route to Rome. They engaged in a conflict with the forces of the Duke of Lorraine, who had refused to acknowledge Arthur’s authority. Subsequently Arthur incarcerated the duke in Dover and designated Priamus of Tuscany to govern the contested territory.

See also
Algere | The Legend of King Arthur
Antele | The Legend of King Arthur
Chastelain | The Legend of King Arthur
Crasine | The Legend of King Arthur
Dauphiné | The Legend of King Arthur
Duke of Dutchmen | The Legend of King Arthur
Ethelwold | The Legend of King Arthur
Feraunt | The Legend of King Arthur
Ferrer | The Legend of King Arthur
Florent of France | The Legend of King Arthur
Italy | The Legend of King Arthur
Jolyan | The Legend of King Arthur
Metz | The Legend of King Arthur

Alliterative Morte Arthure | c. 1400
Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470