Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

King of Norgales

King of Northgalis

Tradelmant was the king of Norgalis (Northgalis), he might be the same character as Cradelmas of Norgales.

In the time of Joseph of Arimathea, Crudel de Norgales was the king of Northgalis.

Balienne was the daughter of the King of Norgales, and mother of Galihodin.

See also
Daughter of the King of Norgales | The Legend of King Arthur
Fergus de la Forest Salvage | The Legend of King Arthur
Gaheres | The Legend of King Arthur
Gaheris de Norgales | The Legend of King Arthur
Galeshin | The Legend of King Arthur
Galihodin | The Legend of King Arthur
Handmaid of the Daughter of the King of Norgales | The Legend of King Arthur
King Agrippe’s Daughter | The Legend of King Arthur
Ladinas de Norgales | The Legend of King Arthur
Mador de La Porte | The Legend of King Arthur
Marhalt of Ireland | The Legend of King Arthur
Phelot of Langueduk | The Legend of King Arthur
Queen of Norgales | The Legend of King Arthur