Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Holy Relics

Sacred relics are often sought after by the knights of the Round Table in their quests, particularly during the quest for the Holy Grail. Each artifact holds unique powers and is a testament to the Arthurian world’s blend of Christian and pagan elements, symbolizing virtues, quests, and the timeless pursuit of truth and chivalry.

Cauldron of Diwrnach
A mystical cauldron featured in Welsh mythology, often associated with King Arthur’s court.

Chalice of Oaths | La Coupe des Seremens
A sacred cup or chalice that plays a role in various knightly ceremonies and quests.

Cloak of Beinison
A cloak with magical properties, known for its ability to grant protection and invulnerability to its wearer. It appears in some versions of the Arthurian tales.

Cloak of Healing | La Cote d’Escuchon
A miraculous cloak that has the power to heal wounds and ailments, often used to aid injured knights.

Cornucopia of Bran
A magical horn of plenty that never runs out of food or drink. It is linked to the legendary figure of Bran the Blessed and appears in some Arthurian tales.

Crown of Arthur
A symbol of kingship and sovereignty, often associated with King Arthur and the rightful ruler of Britain.

Cup of Christ | Cup of Joseph of Arimathea
Another name for the Holy Grail, often associated with Joseph of Arimathea, who is said to have collected Christ’s blood in the Grail.

Drinking Horn of Llwch Llawwyanawc
A mystical drinking horn in Welsh mythology, which is sometimes referenced in Arthurian stories.

Drinking Horn of Mead
A legendary horn associated with festive celebrations and feasts in Arthurian courts.

Girdle of Gwyar | Cord of Gwyar
A magical girdle or belt that appears in the Welsh Arthurian tale Culhwch and Olwen. It grants the wearer protection and supernatural abilities.

Harp of Teirtu
A magical harp known for its enchanting music and powers to soothe and heal. It is featured in Welsh Arthurian tales.

Holy Ark | L’Arche
A sacred ark or chest associated with religious relics and divine protection.

Holy Blood | Saint Sanc
In some versions of the Vulgate Cycle, the Holy Blood is mentioned as a sacred relic connected to the Holy Grail. It carries spiritual significance and symbolizes the blood of Christ.

Holy Horn | Le Cor
A magical horn that possesses extraordinary powers and is used by the knights to signal important events or challenges.

Holy Lance | La Lance, Lance of Longinus, Spear of Destiny
This is the lance said to have pierced the side of Jesus during his crucifixion. It is believed to possess great power and is often associated with divine favor and miracles.

Holy Morsel | La Mors
A miraculous and nourishing piece of bread that sustains the knights during their quests and adventures. It symbolizes spiritual nourishment and divine providence.

Holy Sword | L’Espee
A sacred sword with supernatural abilities, similar to Excalibur. In some versions of the Arthurian legend, Excalibur is referred to as the Holy Sword.

Holy Vessel | Le Vaisseau
A sacred vessel or container, distinct from the Holy Grail, that carries relics and spiritual significance.

Mantle of Arthur | Mantle de Nostre Seigneur
A sacred cloak or mantle associated with King Arthur, said to possess mystical properties.

Mantle of Invisibilty | La Cote d’Invisibilite
A magical cloak that renders its wearer invisible, granting them a significant advantage in stealth and surprise.

Mantle of Invisibility
A magical cloak or mantle that renders its wearer invisible, similar to the Cloak of Invisiblity mentioned earlier.

Mantle of Saint John
A sacred mantle or cloak associated with the biblical figure Saint John the Evangelist. In some version of the Arthurian legends, this mantle is a revered relic.

Mantle of Tegau Eurfon
A magical mantle mentioned in Welsh Arthurian tales, known for its transformative powers.

Mantle of True Chastity
A virtuous cloak that can only be worn by a pure-hearted and chaste person. It often plays a role in tests of character and quests for knights.

Ring of Gyges
A magical ring from Greek mythology that grants its wearer power of invisibility. It is sometimes adapted into Arthurian tales.

Robe of Christ | Robe de Nostre Seigneur
A sacred robe or garment associated with Christ, often mentioned in the context of relics and spiritual significance.

Sacred Spear | Le Grand Fer
Another sacred spear, distinct from the Holy Lance, which is wielded by knights during their quests and battles.

Shield of Joseph | L’Escu de Iosue
A legendary shield said to have belonged to Joseph of Arimathea, who is also associated with the Holy Grail. The shield possesses miraculous properties and is highly sought after by the knights.

Shield of Judas Iscariot
A legendary shield associated with the biblical figure Judas Iscariot. It is believed to have powerful defensive capabilities.

Shield of Judas Maccabeus | Escu de Judas Macabee
A legendary shield associated with the biblical figure Judas Maccabeus. It is sometimes linked to knights and quests in Arthurian literature.

Sword in the Stone
A renowned relic associated with the rightful kingship of Britain. According to some versions of the legend, King Arthur pulled the sword from the stone, proving his rightful claim to the throne.

Sword of Rhydderch | Caledfwlch y Rhydderch
A famous sword in Welsh tradition, often mentioned alongside Arthurian stories.

Sword with the Red Hilt | L’Espée au pomeau rouge
A notable sword mentioned in the Vulgate Cycle, with specific properties and associations with chivalry.

Sword with the Strange Belt | L’Espée au ceint
A powerful sword with a magical belt that enhances the strength and prowess of its wielder. It is often used by knights on their quests.

The Amulet of Eternal Love
An amulet that binds the souls of two lovers together for eternity.

The Amulet of Power
A powerful amulet that enhances the strength and abilities of its wearer.

The Amulet of Protection
A powerful amulet that shields its bearer from harm and malevolent forces.

The Blade of Moonlight
A sword that glows with the light of the moon, said to bring clarity to darkness.

The Book of Enchantments
A book containing powerful spells and enchantments.

The Book of Eternal Knowledge
A sacred book containing the accumulated wisdom of ages and the secrets of the universe.

The Book of Faith
A sacred book that holds the destinies of all living beings and the course of history.

The Book of Healing
A sacred book containing ancient remedies and knowledge of medicinal arts.

The Book of Knowledge
A magical book that contains all the knowledge and wisdom of the world.

The Book of Prophecies
A magical book that foretells the future and guides the knights on their quests.

The Bow of Apollo | The Enchanted Bow of Apollo
A legendary bow associated with the Greek god Apollo, known for its unmatched accuracy and power.

The Bow of Artemis
A legendary bow associated with the Greek goddess Artemis, known for its deadly accuracy.

The Bow of Starlight
A bow that shoots arrows made of starlight, piercing through darkness.

The Cauldron of Knowledge
A magical cauldron that grants insight and understanding to those who gaze into it.

The Cauldron of Regeneration
A cauldron with the power to heal and revive, sometimes linked to the legend of the Fisher King.

The Cauldron of Transformation
A cauldron that can change and reshape objects, individuals or circumstances.

The Celestial Amulet of Protection
An amulet that forms an impenetrable barrier (shield) around its wearer.

The Celestial Bells
Bells that produce harmonious chimes that can calm and heal the spirit.

The Celestial Bow of Shooting Stars
A bow that shoots arrows imbued with the brilliance of shooting stars.

The Celestial Bracelet of Time
A bracelet that allows its wearer to manipulate time, pausing or rewinding events.

The Celestial Cloak of Constellations
A cloak adorned with the patterns of the stars, providing celestial protection.

The Celestial Cloak of Winds
A cloak that harnesses the power of the winds, granting its wearer incredible speed and agility.

The Celestial Crown
A crown believed to be bestowed by the heavens, granting divine favor.

The Celestial Crown of Constellations
A crown adorned with stars, bestowing celestial knowledge and understanding.

The Celestial Crown of Valor
A crown that grants courage and bravery to its wearer.

The Celestial Crown of Wisdom
A crown that bestows profound wisdom and insight upon its wearer.

The Celestial Flute of Nature
A flute that can control the growth of plants and communicate with animals.

The Celestial Flute of Serenity
A flute that brings tranquility and peace to those who hear its melodies.

The Celestial Globe
A globe that reveals the position and alignment of celestial bodies, aiding navigation.

The Celestial Goblet
A goblet that bestows divine blessings upon its drinker.

The Celestial Harp
A harp with strings made of stardust that produces celestial music when played.

The Celestial Harp of Inspiration
A harp that inspires creativity and brings forth musical talents.

The Celestial Harp of Time
A harp that can manipulate time and alter past events.

The Celestial Key of Gateways
A key that can unlock portals to other dimensions and realms.

The Celestial Lantern
A lantern that illuminates the path even in the darkest of nights.

The Celestial Lute of Enchantment
A lute that plays melodies capable of charming and beguiling both friend and foe.

The Celestial Lyre
A lyre that produces heavenly music and can influence the emotions of listeners.

The Celestial Lyre of Courage
A lyre that instills bravery and valor in its listener.

The Celestial Lyre of Enchantment

  1. A lyre that weaves enchanting melodies to captivate hearts.
  2. A lyre that can entrance and captivate both humans and magical beings.
  3. A lyre that can control the emotions and actions of others.
  4. A lyre that can manipulate emotions and control the hearts of those who hear its music.
  5. A lyre that can mesmerize and enchant listeners with its music.

The Celestial Lyre of Harmony
A lyre that plays melodies that can soothe troubled hearts, bringing peace and harmony.

The Celestial Lyre of Healing
A lyre that plays melodies that can mend wounds and restore health.

The Celestial Lyre of Inspiration

  1. A lyre that inspires creativity and invokes muses to guide artistic endeavors.
  2. A lyre that inspires great deeds and creativity in those who listen.

The Celestial Lyre of Peace
A lyre that plays melodies that bring about tranquility and harmony.

The Celestial Mantle
A mantle adorned with celestial motifs, said to grant protection from celestial beings.

The Celestial Mantle of Flight
A mantle that bestows the power of flight upon its wearer.

The Celestial Medallion
A medallion that provides protection and guidance from celestial forces.

The Celestial Mirror of Fate
A mirror that reveals the destinies of individuals and kingdoms.

The Celestial Mirror of Illusion
A mirror that creates illusions and can deceive even the keenest minds.

The Celestial Mirror of Insight
A mirror that reveals hidden truths and illuminates paths to righteousness.

The Celestial Mirror of Knowledge
A mirror that reveals hidden truths and imparts profound wisdom.

The Celestial Mirror of Memory
A mirror that reveals forgotten truths and memories.

The Celestial Mirror of Prophecy
A mirror that reveals visions of future events and fates.

The Celestial Mirror of Reflection
A mirror that reflects the innermost desires and fears of those who gaze into it.

The Celestial Mirror of Soul Cleansing
A mirror that purifies and heals the soul, absolving it of past wrongs.

The Celestial Mirror of Soul-Reading
A mirror that reveals the true intentions and emotions of those who gaze into it.

The Celestial Mirror of Soul-Searching
A mirror that reflects the innermost desires and conflicts of the viewer.

The Celestial Mirror of Truth

  1. A mirror that reveals the true nature of all who look into it.
  2. A mirror that reflects the innermost thoughts and feelings of those who gaze into it.
  3. A mirror that reveals the true nature of all who gaze into it, including their past deeds.

The Celestial Ring of Protection
A ring that forms a protective barrier around its wearer, shielding them from harm.

The Celestial Ring of Unity
A ring that fosters camaraderie and unites individuals in a common cause.

The Celestial Robe of Starlight
A robe adorned with constellations, granting the ability to harness star energy.

The Celestial Sphere
A crystal sphere that reveals the alignment and movements of celestial bodies.

The Celestial Sphere of Eternal Night
A sphere that conjures a perpetual night wherever it is placed.

The Celestial Sphere of Knowledge
A sphere that contains the wisdom of the cosmos and reveals hidden truths.

The Chalice of Dreams
A chalice that grants visions and insights through dreams.

The Chalice of Enchanted Dreams
A chalice that allows its drinker to experience vivid and magical dreams.

The Chalice of Enchantment
A chalice that can bewitch and entrance those who drink from it.

The Chalice of Endless Bounty
A chalice that never runs dry, providing nourishment and sustenance to all who drink from it.

The Chalice of Eternal Love
A cup that symbolizes the eternal bond of true love.

The Chalice of Everlasting Life
A chalice that offers eternal life and immortality to the worthy.

The Chalice of Friendship
A chalice that fosters bonds of friendship and trust between allies.

The Chalice of Healing Waters
A chalice that contains magical waters capable of curing any ailment.

The Chalice of Knowledge
A sacred chalice that grants wisdom and understanding to those who drink from it.

The Chalice of Purity
A chalice that purifies and cleanses the hearts of those who drink from it.

The Cloak of Camouflage
A cloak that allows its wearer to blend into their surroundings, becoming nearly invisible.

The Cloak of Celestial Camouflage
A cloak that allows its wearer to blend seamlessly into any environment.

The Cloak of Celestial Illusion
A cloak that allows its wearer to assume different appearances.

The Cloak of Celestial Invisibility
A cloak that renders its wearer completely invisible, even to magical beings.

The Cloak of Celestial Protection
A cloak that grants invulnerability to physical and magical harm.

The Cloak of Celestial Sight
A cloak that grants its wearer the ability to see distant and hidden realms.

The Cloak of Celestial Speed
A cloak that allows its wearer to move with incredible swiftness.

The Cloak of Celestial Stealth
A cloak that grants its wearer the ability to move without making a sound.

The Cloak of Celestial Teleportation
A cloak that enables its wearer to teleport instantly to any location.

The Cloak of Celestial Transcendence
A cloak that allows its wearer to transcend physical limitations and ascend to higher realms.

The Cloak of Celestial Transformation
A cloak that allows its wearer to shape-shift into any form they desire.

The Cloak of Celestial Wisdom
A cloak that imparts great knowledge and insight to its wearer.

The Cloak of Dreams
A cloak that allows its wearer to experience vivid and prophetic dreams.

The Cloak of Elemental Fusion
A cloak that allows its wearer to blend and fuse with the natural elements.

The Cloak of Elemental Harmony
A cloak that grants control over the elements of earth, fire, water, and air.

The Cloak of Elemental Mastery
A cloak that allows its wearer to control and wield the elements.

The Cloak of Elemental Resilience
A cloak that grants resistance to the forces of nature.

The Cloak of Elemental Transformation
A cloak that allows its wearer to transform into any element, such as water, fire, or earth.

The Cloak of Ethereal Mist
A cloak that allows its wearer to become ethereal and pass through objects.

The Cloak of Ethereal Shadows
A cloak that grants its wearer the ability to meld with shadows and move unseen.

The Cloak of Faith
A cloak said to be woven by the Fates themselves, determining the destiny of its wearer.

The Cloak of Fire Resistance
A magical cloak that protects its wearer from the effects of fire.

The Cloak of Invisibility
A cloak that renders its wearer completely unseen by others.

The Cloak of Nature’s Bounty
A cloak that ensures abundance and prosperity in the land.

The Cloak of Protection
A protective cloak that shields its wearer from harm.

The Cloak of Resurrection
A cloak said to have the power to bring the dead back to life.

The Cloak of Shadow Melding
A cloak that allows its wearer to blend seamlessly with shadows and remain unseen.

The Cloak of Shadows
A magical cloak that grants its wearer the ability to move unseen and blend into the darkness.

The Cloak of Shadowsight
A cloak that grants its wearer the ability to see in complete darkness and perceive hidden truths.

The Cloak of Shapeshifting
A cloak that allows its wearer to transform into different forms and creatures.

The Cloak of Starfall
A cloak that grants its wearer the ability to control falling stars.

The Cloak of Timelessness
A cloak that grants its wearer the ability to travel through time.

The Cloak of Time Travel
A cloak that allows its wearer to travel through time and witness historical events.

The Cloak of Winds
A magical cloak that can control and manipulate the wind.

The Cloak of Windshear
A cloak that controls the winds and weather, allowing its wearer to navigate through storms and tempests.

The Crescent Moon Scythe
A scythe with the power to cut through the fabric of reality during moonlit nights.

The Crown of Destiny
A crown believed to shape the destiny of the kingdom and its ruler.

The Crown of Dreams
A crown that enables its wearer to control dreams and influence subconscious thoughts.

The Crown of Elemental Mastery
A crown that grants command over the elements of nature.

The Crown of Elemental Sovereignty
A crown that bestows control over the elements of earth, fire, water, and air.

The Crown of Endurance
A crown that grants strength and resilience to its wearer during times of hardship.

The Crown of Eternal Youth
A crown that bestows everlasting youth and vitality upon its wearer.

The Crown of Eternal Kingship
A crown said to grant eternal rule and prosperity to its rightful wearer.

The Crown of Starlight
A crown adorned with celestial jewels that grants visions of the heavens to its wearer.

The Crown of the Moon
A crown said to draw power from the moon’s phases, granting its wearer heightened intuition and magical abilities.

The Crown of Unity
A crown symbolizing the unification of realms and kingdoms under a just ruler.

The Crown of Whispers
A crown that enables its wearer to understand and speak all languages.

The Crown of Wisdom
A royal crown believed to bestow wisdom and intelligence upon the wearer.

The Crystal Ball
A magical crystal used for divination and seeing into the future.

The Crystal Ball of Prophecy
A crystal ball that reveals visions of future events and destinies.

The Crystal Bell
A bell that possesses the power to dispel evil and banish malevolent spirits.

The Crystal Bell of Dreams
A bell that invokes dreams and visions, foretelling future events.

The Crystal Bell of Harmony
A bell that resonates with a soothing melody that dispels conflict and animosity.

The Crystal Bell of Serenity
A bell that brings tranquility and inner peace to those who listen to its chimes.

The Crystal Bow of Destiny

  1. A bow that shoots arrows that are destined to find their mark.
  2. A bow that shoots arrows imbued with the power of fate, altering events to align with destiny.

The Crystal Bow of Enchantment
A bow that shoots arrows that can bewitch and charm those they strike.

The Crystal Bow of Ethereal Beauty
A bow that shoots arrows with mesmerizing grace and allure.

The Crystal Bow of Fate
A bow that shoots arrows guided by destiny itself.

The Crystal Bow of Grace
A bow that shoots arrows with remarkable precision and elegance.

The Crystal Bow of Harmony
A bow that shoots arrows of peace, soothing conflicts and calming hostility.

The Crystal Bow of Illumination

  1. A bow that shoots arrows of light, dispelling darkness and revealing truths.
  2. A bow that shoots arrows of light, illuminating even the darkest corners.

The Crystal Bow of Serenity
A bow that shoots arrows that calm and pacify agitated minds and spirits.

The Crystal Bow of the Northern Lights
A bow that can conjure the breathtaking aurora borealis.

The Crystal Bow of Truth

  1. A bow made of pure crystal that never misses its mark and exposes lies when an arrow is shot.
  2. A bow that shoots arrows that reveal lies and deception when they strike their target.

The Crystal Chalice of Abundance
A chalice that fills with whatever liquid its drinker desires.

The Crystal Chalice of Clarity
A chalice that brings clarity and insight to complex situations.

The Crystal Chalice of Dreams
A chalice that allows its drinker to experience vivid and prophetic dreams.

The Crystal Chalice of Enlightenment
A chalice that imparts profound wisdom and knowledge.

The Crystal Chalice of Eternity
A chalice that grants eternal life to those who drink from it.

The Crystal Chalice of Foresight
A chalice that bestows the gift of seeing future events.

The Crystal Chalice of Fortune
A chalice that bestows good luck and prosperity to its drinker.

The Crystal Chalice of Healing
A chalice that can heal wounds and cure ailments with its magical waters.

The Crystal Chalice of Illumination
A chalice that reveals hidden knowledge and profound insights.

The Crystal Chalice of Immortality
A chalice that grants eternal life and eternal youth to those who drink from it.

The Crystal Chalice of Prophecy
A chalice that foretells future events and destinies.

The Crystal Chalice of Renewal
A chalice that rejuvenates and restores energy to its drinker.

The Crystal Crescent Moon
A crescent moon-shaped crystal that grants heightened intuition and foresight.

The Crystal Crown of Clarity
A crown that grants its wearer clarity of thought and the ability to see through deception.

The Crystal Crown of Command
A crown that grants its wearer authority and the ability to command others.

The Crystal Crown of Dreams
A crown that grants visions and insights into the dream realm.

The Crystal Crown of Illusions
A crown that allows its wearer to create lifelike illusions.

The Crystal Crown of Telepathy
A crown that enables communication through thoughts alone.

The Crystal Crown of Transformation
A crown that can change its appearance to suit its wearer’s desires.

The Crystal Dagger of Light
A dagger that emits a radiant glow and can dispel darkness.

The Crystal Dagger of Truth
A dagger that reveals lies and deceit when pointed at someone.

The Crystal Elixir of Youth
An elixir that grants eternal youthfulness and vitality to its drinker.

The Crystal Flute of Enchantment
A flute that can entrance and captivate both humans and creatures.

The Crystal Fountain
A magical fountain that grants visions of the past, present, and future to those who drink from it.

The Crystal Fountain of Immortality
A fountain that grants eternal life and eternal youth to those who drink from it.

The Crystal Fountain of Knowledge
A fountain that imparts profound wisdom and understanding.

The Crystal Fountain of Youth
A fountain that bestows eternal youth to those who drink from its waters.

The Crystal Gauntlet of Power
A gauntlet that amplifies the strength and magical abilities of its wearer.

The Crystal Goblet
A sacred goblet that reveals hidden truths when used for divination.

The Crystal Goblet of Eternal Youth
A goblet that grants everlasting youth and vitality.

The Crystal Harp of Enchantment
A harp that can control emotions and manipulate the moods of others.

The Crystal Harp of Harmony
A harp that brings peace and unity to all who listen to its music.

The Crystal Harp of Healing
A harp that produces soothing melodies that heal both body and spirit.

The Crystal Harp of Serenity
A harp that produces soothing melodies capable of calming turbulent emotions.

The Celestial Lyre of Inspiration
A lyre that inspires creativity and fosters artistic expression.

The Crystal Mirror of Illusions
A mirror that can create lifelike illusions and deceive enemies in battle.

The Crystal Mirror of Memory
A mirror that reflects the past, allowing its gazer to relive forgotten memories.

The Crystal Mirror of Truth
A mirror that reflects the truth and reveals the innermost thoughts and desires of those who gaze into it.

The Crystal Orb of Dimensional Travel
An orb that opens portals to other realms and dimensions.

The Crystal Orb of Divination
An orb that grants visions of the future and foresight.

The Crystal Orb of Faith
An orb that reveals glimpses of the future and potential outcomes of important events.

The Crystal Orb of Prophecy
An orb that provides visions of future events and fateful encounters.

The Crystal Orb of Telepathy
An orb that allows its possessor to communicate with others through thoughts alone.

The Crystal Orb of Time
A crystal orb that allows its possessor to glimpse into the past or future.

The Crystal Quill of Destiny
A quill that writes the fate and destiny of individuals and kingdoms.

The Crystal Ring of Telepathy
A ring that enables its wearer to communicate telepathically with others.

The Crystal Ring of Teleportation
A ring that allows its wearer to instantaneously travel to any location they desire.

The Crystal Rose
A magical rose with healing properties that can mend wounds and cure illnesses.

The Crystal Rose of Love
A crystal rose that symbolizes true love and devotion.

The Crystal Rose of Renewal
A rose that possesses healing powers and can revive the fallen.

The Crystal Scepter of Enchantment
A scepter that can cast powerful spells and charms.

The Crystal Scepter of Harmony
A scepter that fosters harmony and understanding among conflicting parties.

The Crystal Scroll of Divination
A scroll that provides visions of the past, present, and future.

The Crystal Scroll of Elemental Control
A scroll that grants mastery over the elements.

The Crystal Scroll of Elemental Mastery
A scroll that imparts knowledge and mastery of controlling the elements.

The Crystal Scroll of Knowledge
A scroll that contains ancient knowledge and secrets.

The Crystal Scroll of Language
A scroll that grants the ability to understand and speak any language.

The Crystal Scroll of Timelessness
A scroll that grants immortality and eternal youth.

The Crystal Scroll of Time Manipulation
A scroll that grants the power to manipulate time and its flow.

The Crystal Scroll of Time Travel
A scroll that allows its reader to journey through time and witness historical events.

The Crystal Sphere of Knowledge
A crystal sphere that holds infinite knowledge and wisdom.

The Crystal Sphere of Resurrection
A sphere that can restore life to the deceased and bring them back from the beyond.

The Crystal Staff of Protection
A staff that imparts great wisdom and knowledge to those who wield it.

The Crystal Sword
A legendary sword made of crystal with exceptional strength and cutting power.

The Crystal Sword of Clarity
A transparent sword that dispels illusions and reveals the truth in any situation.

The Crystal Wand of Enchantment
A wand that weaves intricate spells and charms with precision.

The Cup of Healing
A sacred cup with the ability to cure ailments and bring health to those who drink from it.

The Cursed Dagger
A dagger with a dark curse, capable of inflicting wounds that cannot be healed by ordinary means.

The Dagger of Shadows
A dagger with the ability to cast darkness and conceal its wielder from sight.

The Diamond Scepter of Justice
A scepter made of pure diamond, representing impartial judgment.

The Dragon Banner
A banner that bears the image of a dragon, symbolizing strength and victory in battle.

The Dragon’s Tear
A precious gem said to contain the essence of a dragon’s power.

The Dreamcatcher of Night Visions
A dreamcatcher that captures visions and dreams, revealing insights and prophecies.

The Ebon Blade of Shadows
A dark blade that grants its wielder the ability to harness the power of shadows.

The Ebon Gauntlets of Power
Gauntlets that grant strength and command over dark energies.

The Elixir of Everlasting Life
A potion that grants eternal life to those who partake of it.

The Elixir of Immortality
A potion that bestows everlasting life to its drinker.

The Elixir of Life
A magical potion that grants immortality or eternal youth.

The Emerald Crown
A crown adorned with precious emeralds, believed to hold magical properties related to nature and renewal.

The Emerald Ring of Nature’s Harmony
A ring that fosters a deep connection with the natural world.

The Emerald Table
A mystical artifact that holds the secrets of alchemy and divine wisdom.

The Enchanted Arrows of Truth
Arrows that never miss their mark and reveal the truth in any situation.

The Enchanted Belt of Strength
A belt that grants its wearer superhuman strength and endurance.

The Enchanted Boots of Swiftness
Boots that grant their wearer remarkable speed and agility.

The Enchanted Bow of Harmony
A bow that shoots arrows that pacify conflicts and promote peace.

The Enchanted Cloak of Invisibility
A cloak that renders its wearer completely invisible to all.

The Enchanted Crown of Serenity
A crown that brings peace and tranquility to its wearer and their surroundings.

The Enchanted Crown of Clarity
A crown that grants its wearer unparalleled clarity of thought and purpose.

The Enchanted Crown of Compassion
A crown that grants its wearer boundless empathy and understanding for all beings.

The Enchanted Crown of Courage
A crown that instills bravery and fearlessness in its wearer.

The Enchanted Crown of Destiny
A crown that reveals and guides the wearer’s true purpose and destiny.

The Enchanted Crown of Harmony
A crown that brings unity and peace to those who wear it.

The Enchanted Crown of Invisibility
A crown that makes its wearer completely invisible to others.

The Enchanted Crown of Justice
A crown that grants its wearer the wisdom to dispense fair and just rulings.

The Enchanted Crown of Kingship
A crown that can only be worn by the true and rightful ruler of the land.

The Enchanted Crown of Sovereignty
A crown that bestows rightful rulership and divine authority upon its wearer.

The Enchanted Crown of Unity
A crown that unifies all who wear it under a common cause or purpose.

The Enchanted Crown of Virtue
A crown that enhances the wearer’s noble qualities and moral character.

The Enchanted Crown of Wisdom

  1. A crown that endows its wearer with infinite wisdom and discernment.
  2. A crown that bestows unparalleled knowledge and insight to its wearer.

The Enchanted Cuirass of Invincibility
A magical breastplate that renders its wearer invulnerable to all harm.

The Enchanted Gauntlet of Telekinesis
A gauntlet that enables its wearer to move objects with the power of the mind.

The Enchanted Gauntlets
Gauntlets that protect their wearer from the elements and enhance their physical prowess.

The Enchanted Gauntlets of Strength
Gauntlets that grant their wearer immense physical power and prowess.

The Enchanted Gloves of Dexterity
Gloves that bestow incredible hand-eye coordination and precision in combat and other tasks.

The Enchanted Harp
A harp with magical music that can inspire courage and enchant its listeners.

The Enchanted Helm of Infallible Sight
A helmet that grants its wearer the ability to see through illusions and perceive hidden truths.

The Enchanted Inkwell

  1. An inkwell that contains magical ink, capable of bringing written words to life.
  2. An inkwell that fills itself with magical ink, enabling endless writing of potent spells.

The Enchanted Lantern
A lantern that illuminates hidden paths and reveals secrets in the darkness.

The Enchanted Locket of Memories
A locket that preserves cherished memories and keepsakes.

The Enchanted Mirror
A mirror that can reveal the past, present, or future to those who gaze into it.

The Enchanted Mirror of Beauty
A mirror that enhances the beauty and charm of its possessor.

The Enchanted Mirror of Knowledge
A mirror that reveals hidden truths and imparts profound wisdom to those who gaze upon it.

The Enchanted Mirror of Longing
A mirror that reveals the desires and deepest longings of those who gaze into it.

The Enchanted Mirror of Prophecy
A mirror that reveals glimpses of the future and foretells upcoming events.

The Enchanted Mirror of Wisdom
A mirror that imparts profound wisdom and knowledge to those who seek it.

The Enchanted Pearl Necklace
A necklace made of pearls that grants protection from magical curses.

The Enchanted Pen of Creation
A pen that brings to life anything written with it, conjuring living beings or objects.

The Enchanted Quill
A quill pen with the ability to write prophetic messages or create powerful spells.

The Enchanted Quill of Imagination
A quill that brings to life whatever is written with it, conjuring fantastic creatures and lands.

The Enchanted Quiver
A quiver that replenishes its arrows magically, ensuring an endless supply for the archer.

The Enchanted Ring of Compassion
A ring that bestows the gift of empathy and understanding.

The Enchanted Ring of Courage
A ring that instills bravery and fearlessness in its wearer.

The Enchanted Ring of Empathy
A ring that allows its wearer to feel the emotions of others.

The Enchanted Ring of Fortune
A ring that brings good luck and prosperity to its possessor.

The Enchanted Ring of Healing
A ring that possesses potent healing powers.

The Enchanted Ring of Invisibility
A ring that renders its wearer invisible to the eyes of others.

The Enchanted Ring of Protection
A ring that creates a protective barrier around its wearer.

The Enchanted Ring of Serendipity
A ring that attracts good fortune and positive outcomes.

The Enchanted Ring of Serenity
A ring that brings inner calm and tranquility.

The Enchanted Ring of Timelessness
A ring that grants its wearer eternal youth and halts the aging process.

The Enchanted Ring of Unity
A ring that fosters cooperation and harmony among those who wear it.

The Enchanted Ring of Valor
A ring that enhances bravery and fearlessness in the face of danger.

The Enchanted Ring of Wisdom
A ring that enhances the wearer’s intellect and judgment.

The Enchanted Robe of Invisibility
A robe that renders its wearer unseen and hidden from sight.

The Enchanted Rose

  1. A rose with mystical properties, capable of granting eternal beauty or youth.
  2. A rose that never withers and symbolizes eternal love and beauty.

The Enchanted Rosemary Branch
A branch of rosemary that has healing properties and can cure ailments.

The Enchanted Rose Quartz
A rose quartz imbued with love’s magic, capable of mending broken hearts.

The Enchanted Sandals
Sandals that allow their wearer to walk on water or fly through the skies.

The Enchanted Scroll of Time
A scroll that grants its reader glimpses into the past and future.

The Eternal Flame
A never-ending flame that symbolizes the enduring spirit and hope.

The Feathered Cape of Flight
A cape with feathers that allow its wearer to fly through the skies.

The Feather of Serenity
A feather that brings peace and tranquility to those who hold it.

The Feather of Truth
A magical feather that measures the purity of one’s heart.

The Flaming Chalice
A chalice that burns with mystical flames, symbolizing transformation and rebirth.

The Flaming Sword of Justice
A sword that blazes with righteous fire and serves as a symbol of justice.

The Flute of Enchanted Melodies
A flute that can charm and control animals and magical creatures.

The Flute of Enchantment
A magical flute that enchants all who hear its music.

The Fountain of Knowledge
A mystical fountain that imparts profound wisdom and understanding to those who drink from it.

The Fountain of Youth
A mythical and legendary fountain that grants eternal youth and rejuvenation to those who drink from its waters. [More]

The Goblet of Eternal Youth
A goblet that bestows eternal youthfulness to those who drink from it.

The Golden Apple
A mythical apple with special properties, sometimes appearing as a prize or symbol of divine favor.

The Golden Goblet
A sacred goblet often associated with ceremonial feasts and rituals. In some versions of the legends, it is connected to the Holy Grail.

The Golden Harp of Allure
A harp that charms and enchants all who hear its captivating melodies.

The Golden Key
A magical key that unlocks hidden doors and reveals secrets.

The Grail | Holy Grail, Sangreal
A renowned relic. [More]

The Grail Cauldron
A variant of the Holy Grail, associated with abundance and nourishment.

The Grail Chalice
A variant of the Holy Grail, which is believed to contain the essence of divine wisdom and knowledge.

The Grail Chalice of Abundance
A variant of the Holy Grail, believed to provide boundless sustenance and prosperity.

The Grail Sword
A powerful sword often associated with the Holy Grail and sought after by knights on their quests.

The Grimoire of Spells
A book of ancient and powerful spells, often guarded by wise sorcerers.

The Harp of Serenity
A harp that plays calming melodies, bringing peace to troubled souls.

The Helm of Clarity
A helmet that clears the mind of confusion and grants clarity of thought.

The Helm of Ethereal Vision
A helmet that grants its wearer the ability to see into the spirit world.

The Helm of Invisibility
A helmet that renders its wearer invisible to the naked eye, allowing for stealth and surprise.

The Helm of Mind Protection
A helmet that shields its wearer from mental attacks and mind control.

The Helm of Thoughtcasting
A helmet that allows its wearer to communicate through thoughts alone.

The Helm of Wisdom
A helmet that grants its wearer profound insight and understanding.

The Holy Crown | La Coroune
A sacred crown associated with religious significance and divine authority. It is sometimes linked to the rulership of Britain.

The Holy Crown of Thorns
A relic believed to be the crown of thorns worn by Jesus during the crucifixion.

The Holy Scroll
A sacred scroll containing ancient prophecies and sacred teachings.

The Holy Vase
A sacred vessel believed to have divine powers, often associated with healing and protection.

The Horn of Celestial Calling
A horn that summons celestial beings and benevolent spirits to aid its blower.

The Horn of Celestial Protection
A horn that creates a barrier of invulnerability around its blower.

The Horn of Celestial Revelation
A horn that reveals hidden truths and secrets.

The Horn of Celestial Summoning
A horn that calls forth celestial beings and allies to aid its blower in times of need.

The Horn of Elemental Balance
A horn that stabilizes and harmonizes the natural elements around it.

The Horn of Elemental Harmony
A horn that calms the forces of nature and fosters balance in the world.

The Horn of Enchanted Beasts
A horn that can summon mythical creatures to aid its possessor.

The Horn of Endless Echoes
A horn that echoes throughout the lands, carrying messages across great distances.

The Horn of Eternal Spring
A horn that brings perpetual springtime wherever its melodious notes are heard.

The Horn of Eternity
A horn that can extend the lifespan of its blower, granting extended years to the holder.

The Horn of Foresight
A horn that grants the gift of foresight and the ability to predict upcoming events.

The Horn of Harmony
A horn that brings harmony and unity to those who hear its call.

The Horn of Plenty
A magical horn that produces an endless supply of food and drink.

The Horn of Protection
A horn that creates a powerful barrier against malevolent forces.

The Horn of Renewal

  1. A horn that signals the beginning of a new era or a time of rejuventaion.
  2. A horn that restores vitality and energy to those who hear its call.

The Horn of Resurrection
A horn that can bring the dead back to life.

The Horn of Revelation
A horn that reveals hidden secrets and long-lost knowledge.

The Horn of Sir Gowther
A magical horn mentioned in the medieval romance “Sir Gowther.” It is used to summon assistance or announce important events.

The Horn of Summoning

  1. A horn that can call upon mythical beings and allies in times of need.
  2. A horn that calls forth allies and creatures to aid its blower in times of need.

The Horn of Victory
A horn that inspires courage and determination in battle, leading to triumph.

The Horn of the Wild Beast
A horn that summons and commands the creatures of the wild.

The Horn of the Wild Hunt
A horn that summons the spectral Wild Hunt, a supernatural procession led by otherworldly figures.

The Horn of Unity

  1. A horn that calls the people of the land together in times of harmony and cooperation.
  2. A horn that rallies allies and fosters camaraderie among all who hears its call.
  3. A horn that unites people of all backgrounds and creeds for a common cause.

The Horn of Uther Pendragon
A mystical horn that once belonged to King Uther Pendragon, Arthur’s father. It is said to have unique properties.

The Horn of Valor
A horn that instills courage and bravery in those who hear its call.

The Horn of Vision
A horn that grants visions of the past, present, and future to those who sound it.

The Horn of Wisdom
A horn that imparts great wisdom and insight to its listener.

The Key of the Lost Realm
A key that unlocks hidden gates to mystical lands and ancient realms.

The Lamenting Harp
A harp that plays mournful melodies, often associated with the death of a beloved figure.

The Laurel Wreath of Victory
A wreath made of laurel leaves that signifies triumph and success in battle.

The Luminous Chalice of Guidance
A chalice that illuminates the path of righteousness and virtue.

The Luminous Vale
A veil that conceals its wearer from unwanted attention and prying eyes.

The Lunar Cloak of Illusion
A cloak that allows its wearer to become invisible under the light of the moon.

The Lunar Lyre
A harp that resonates with the moon’s phases, evoking emotions and altering moods.

The Lunar Mirror
A mirror that reflects the moon’s light, allowing its user to communicate across great distances.

The Lunar Scepter of Dreams
A scepter that governs the realm of dreams and nightmares.

The Lute of Enchantment
A lute that casts enchanting melodies capable of swaying hearts and minds.

The Lyre of Echoes
A lyre that can mimic any sound or voice with ethereal accuracy.

The Lyre of Harmony
A magical lyre that can bring peace and harmony to troubled lands.

The Lyre of the Muse
A lyre that inspires creativity and grants the gift of eloquence and poetry.

The Mantle of Green
A magical mantle that can change colors, symbolizing the transformative nature of the Arthurian world.

The Mirror of Destiny
A mirror that shows the potential outcomes and fates of individuals and kingdoms.

The Mirror of Enchantment
A mirror that can show the viewer their heart’s desire.

The Mirror of Illusion
A mirror that creates illusions and tricks the senses.

The Mirror of Justice
A mirror that reveals the truth and exposes lies, enabling fair judgment.

The Mirror of Regret
A mirror that shows its beholder their past mistakes and compels them to seek redemption.

The Mirror of Remembrance
A mirror that enables those who look into it to recall forgotten memories.

The Mirror of Revealing
A magical mirror that shows hidden truths and the true nature of those who gaze into it.

The Mirror of Soul Reflection
A mirror that reveals the true essence and nature of a person’s soul.

The Mirror of Time’s Reflection
A mirror that allows its user to peer into the past or glimpse the future.

The Mirror of Truth
A mirror that reflects the truth and reveals hidden secrets.

The Mirror Shield of Truth
A shield that reflects the truth and reveals the intentions of others.

The Moonlight Cloak
A cloak that grants its wearer the ability to harness the power of moonlight.

The Moonlit Dagger
A dagger that shines with the ethereal glow of moonlight, enhancing stealth.

The Moonlit Dagger of Concealment
A dagger that cloaks its wielder in shadow, rendering them unseen.

The Moonlit Dagger of Justice
A dagger that dispenses fair judgment and retribution.

The Moonlit Dagger of Nightfall
A dagger that harnesses the power of the moon to enhance its wielder’s abilities.

The Moonlit Dagger of Redemption
A dagger that can absolve past transgressions and bring redemption.

The Moonlit Dagger of Shadows
A dagger that can veil its wielder in darkness and grant them the element of surprise.

The Moonlit Dagger of Silence
A dagger that can silence any sound or voice with a single touch.

The Moonlit Dagger of Stealth
A dagger that grants its wielder the ability to move in silence and undetected in shadows.

The Moonlit Harp of Enchantment
A harp that weaves melodies capable of enchanting listeners and altering emotions.

The Moonlit Harp of Lament
A harp that expresses the sorrowful melodies of the moon’s phases.

The Moonstone Amulet of Night Vision
An amulet that grants its wearer the ability to see clearly in the darkest of nights.

The Moonstone Bow
A bow crafted from moonstone, capable of harnessing the moon’s mystical energies.

The Moonstone Crown of Clarity

  1. A crown that enhances mental acuity and clears the mind of confusion.
  2. A crown that grants its wearer keen insight and wisdom.

The Moonstone Dagger of Shadows
A dagger that casts shadows and cloaks its wielder in darkness.

The Moonstone Pendant of Healing
A pendant that bestows healing powers upon its wearer.

The Moonstone Pendant of Prophecy
A pendant that grants the gift of foresight and divination.

The Moonstone Pendant of Protection
A pendant that creates a powerful, impenetrable, protective barrier around its wearer.

The Moonstone Pendant of Serenity
A pendant that bestows inner peace and tranquility upon its wearer.

The Moonstone Ring of Dreams
A ring that grants its wearer prophetic visions and insights through dreams.

The Moonstone Ring of Protection
A ring that bestows its wearer with enhanced defense under the light of the moon.

The Mystic Chessboard
A magical chessboard that moves pieces on its own, sometimes used to predict or guide future events.

The Mystic Dagger of Warding
A dagger that can dispel curses and protect against malevolent magic.

The Mystic Ring of Knowledge
A ring that imparts profound knowledge and insight to its wearer.

The Ocean Conch of Tides
A conch shell that controls the ebb and flow of tides and water currents.

The Orb of Astral Projection
A crystal orb that allows its possessor to project their consciousness to other places.

The Orb of Everchanging Dreams
A mystical orb that transforms dreams into reality and reality into dreams.

The Orb of Everlasting Light
A glowing orb that dispels darkness and provides eternal illumination.

The Orb of Prophecy
A crystal orb that shows visions of future events and potential outcomes.

The Orb of Serenity
A crystal orb that bestows inner peace and tranquility upon its beholder.

The Orb of Time’s Wisdom
A mystical orb that grants insights into the mysteries of the past, present, and future.

The Oracle’s Crystal Ball
A crystal ball that reveals hidden truths and provides prophetic visions of the future.

The Pearl of Healing
A luminous pearl with the power to heal physical and emotional wounds.

The Pearl of Wisdom
A radiant pearl that imparts profound wisdom and enlightenment to those who possess it.

The Phoenix Crown
A crown crafted from the feathers of a phoenix, granting rebirth and renewal to its wearer.

The Phoenix Feather Cape
A cape made from phoenix feathers that bestows resilience and regeneration.

The Phoenix Feather Cincture
A cincture made of phoenix feathers that provides boundless energy and vitality.

The Phoenix Feather Cloak
A cloak made from phoenix feathers, capable of providing protection from fire.

The Phoenix Feather Fan
A fan made from phoenix feathers that can summon gentle winds or fierce gusts.

The Phoenix Feather Inkwell
An inkwell made from phoenix feathers that transcribes words of great power.

The Phoenix Feather Quill

  1. A quill made from a phoenix feather, imbued with the power of resurrection.
  2. A quill made from phoenix feathers that writes with magical ink, capable of conjuring objects or casting spells.
  3. A quill made from phoenix feathers that writes words with magical intent.
  4. A quill made from phoenix feathers that enchances the power of the written word.
  5. A quill made from phoenix feathers that writes words of truth and prophecy.
  6. A quill made from phoenix feathers that scribes words of divine wisdom (prophetic insight).
  7. A quill made from phoenix feathers that transcribes words with magical significance.
  8. A quill made from phoenix feathers that imbues words with mystical energy.

The Phoenix Feather Quiver
A quiver that replenishes its supply of arrows magically.

The Phoenix Tear Amulet
An amulet that can heal wounds and mend broken hearts with a single touch.

The Phoenix Tear Medallion
A medallion made from a phoenix tear that grants healing and regeneration.

The Phoenix Tear Ring
A ring made from a phoenix tear that can heal any wound or ailment.

The Phoenix Tear Talisman
A talisman made from a phoenix tear, providing protection against fire and rebirth after death.

The Phoenix Winged Helm
A helmet adorned with phoenix feathers that grants its wearer the ability to fly.

The Phoenix Winged Sandals
Sandals that allow their wearer to soar through the skies like a phoenix.

The Phoenix Winged Staff
A staff adorned with phoenix feathers that grants flight and protection.

The Ring of Invisiblity
A ring that renders its wearer invisible at will.

The Ring of Power
A powerful ring that bestows special abilities upon its wearer.

The Ring of Teleportation
A ring that enables its wearer to teleport to distant places.

The Ring of Time
A ring that grants the ability to travel through different eras and historical periods.

The Ring of Timelessness
A ring that grants its wearer immortality, freeing them from the passage of time.

The Ring of Truth-Telling
A ring that compels its wearer to speak only the truth.

The Ruby Heartstone
A ruby that contains the essence of passion and determination.

The Ruby Ring of Resilience
A ring set with a precious ruby that grants its wearer unwavering resilience and endurance.

The Ruby Serpent
A mystical ruby serpent that is said to guard a treasure or serve as a test for knights on their quests.

The Sacred Amulet of Memory
An amulet that preserves memories and experiences for eternity.

The Sacred Goblet of Renewal
A goblet that restores vitality and heals wounds when its contents are consumed.

The Sacred Ring
A ring with mystical properties, sometimes used as a token of loyalty or favor.

The Sacred Spear of Light
A spear that emits radiant light and symbolizes the power of truth and enlightenment.

The Sacred Staff
A staff with mystical powers, often carried by holy men or powerful figures in Arthurian tales.

The Scepter of Authority
A symbol of rulership and royal power, often carried by kings and queens.

The Scepter of Command
A powerful scepter that grants its wielder the authority to command and lead with unwavering authority.

The Scepter of Eternal Wisdom
A scepter that imparts infinite knowledge and insight to its holder.

The Serpent Bracelet of Transformation
A bracelet that allows its wearer to shape-shift into various forms.

The Serpent Crown
A crown with serpentine motifs, said to confer the power to control reptilian creatures.

The Serpent Scepter
A scepter that symbolizes wisdom and the balance of life and death.

The Serpent’s Eye Amulet
An amulet that allows its wearer to see into the hearts and minds of others.

The Serpent’s Eye Crystal Ball
A crystal ball that can scry into distant lands and events.

The Serpent’s Eye Gem
A gem that grants its holder the ability to see the unseen and perceive hidden dangers.

The Serpent’s Eye Talisman
A talisman that grants its holder the ability to see into the hearts of others.

The Serpent’s Fang Dagger
A dagger that can poison enemies with a single strike.

The Serpent’s Fang Medallion
A medallion that provides protection against venomous creatures and spells.

The Serpent’s Fang Spear
A spear that carries the venom of a deadly serpent, capable of poisoning foes.

The Serpent’s Scale Armor
Armor made from dragon scales that renders its wearer invulnerable.

The Serpent’s Scale Belt
A belt made from dragon scales that enhances physical strength and endurance.

The Serpent’s Scale Boots
Boots made from dragon scales that grant extraordinary speed, agility and grace.

The Serpent’s Scale Cape
A cape made from dragon scales that grants enhanced agility and protection.

The Serpent’s Scale Gauntlets
Gauntlets made from dragon scales that grant immense strength, agility and dexterity.

The Serpent’s Scale Gloves
Gloves made from dragon scales that provide exceptional dexterity and precision.

The Serpent’s Scale Mail
Armor made from dragon scales that provides exceptional protection.

The Serpent’s Scale Shield
A shield made from dragon scales that repels malevolent forces.

The Shield of Ancient Kings
A shield that carries the legacy and protection of past rulers.

The Shield of Astral Deflection
A shield that deflects attacks from other realms and planes of existence.

The Shield of Celestial Balance
A shield that harmonizes opposing forces and brings equilibrium to the world.

The Shield of Celestial Reflection
A shield that can reflect any attack back upon its originator.

The Shield of Celestial Guardianship
A shield that invokes the protection of celestial beings.

The Shield of Celestial Protection

  1. A shield that repels malevolent forces and offers divine protection.
  2. A shield that forms an impervious barrier against any attack.

The Shield of Celestial Reflection
A shield that reflects magical attacks back at their casters.

The Shield of Celestial Strength
A shield that grants unmatched physical and mental fortitude.

The Shield of Celestial Warding
A shield that provides protection from curses, spells and malevolent forces.

The Shield of Compassion
A shield that renders its bearer immune to the effects of cruelty and hatred.

The Shield of Dreams
A shield that projects illusions and dreams to distract and deceive adversaries.

The Shield of Elemental Absorption
A shield that absorbs and redirects the power of elemental attacks.

The Shield of Elemental Balance
A shield that harmonizes the elements, preventing their misuse and destruction.

The Shield of Elemental Control
A shield that enables its wielder to manipulate and direct the elements at will.

The Shield of Elemental Harmony
A shield that balances and harmonizes the forces of the elements.

The Shield of Elemental Mastery
A shield that allows its bearer to harness and control the powers of the elements.

The Shield of Elemental Resistance
A shield that grants immunity to the harmful effects of fire, water, earth, and air.

The Shield of Enchantment
A shield inscribed with mystical symbols and wards to repel magical attacks.

The Shield of Endless Valor
A shield that enhances its bearer’s courage and bravery in battle.

The Shield of Eternity

  1. A shield that grants its bearer prolonged life and protection from mortal threats.
  2. A shield said to have been forged by celestial beings, granting eternal protection.

The Shield of Ethereal Resilience
A shield that grants resistance against magical attacks and enchantments.

The Shield of Everlasting Protection
A shield that provides unwavering defense and cannot be damaged or broken.

The Shield of Faith
A shield that bolsters the faith and resolve of its bearer in times of doubt.

The Shield of Harmonious Reflection
A shield that reflects the intentions and emotions of those who look upon it.

The Shield of Harmony
A shield that protects against conflicts and brings harmony to those around it.

The Shield of Harmony and Discord
A shield that can create harmony or chaos depending on its wielder’s intentions.

The Shield of Honor
A shield that grants protection to those who fight with honor and chivalry.

The Shield of Hope
A shield that inspires hope and courage in the hearts of those who fight under its protection.

The Shield of Invincibility
A shield that renders its bearer impervious to harm from any weapon.

The Shield of Light
A shield that emits a radiant glow and repels darkness.

The Shield of Mirrors
A shield adorned with mirrors that can deflect and reflect attacks.

The Shield of Reflection

  1. A shield that reflects the true character of those who gaze upon it.
  2. A shield that reflects back the intent of any attack, turning it against the aggressor.

The Shield of Resilience
A shield that enhances its bearer’s endurance and resilience in battle.

The Shield of Righteousness
A shield that grants its bearer protection against evil and wrongdoing.

The Shield of Serenity
A shield that bestows peace and tranquility upon its bearer.

The Shield of Seven Virtues
A shield adorned with symbols representing the noble virtues of chivalry.

The Shield of the Virgin
A holy shield believed to have been created by divine powers. It represents purity and protection.

The Shield of Timelessness
A shield that protects its bearer from the effects of time, preserving their youth and vitality.

The Shield of Transmutation
A shield that can transform and adapt to any attack or defense.

The Shield of Transcendence
A shield that grants its bearer immunity to harmful spells.

The Shield of Truthful Valor
A shield that enhances the bravery and honesty of its bearer.

The Shield of Unyielding Defense
A shield that can withstand any attack without a scratch.

The Shield of Virtues
A shield representing the virtues of a true knight, such as courage, loyalty, and honor.

The Shield of Wisdom
A shield believed to deflect not only physical attacks but also harmful influences and deception.

The Silver Bell of Guidance
Bells that ring with ethereal tones, guiding travelers on their journeys.

The Silver Bow of Serenity
A bow said to bring calm and tranquility to those who use it.

The Silver Harp of Melody
A harp that produces enchanting music capable of soothing the hearts of even the most troubled souls.

The Silver Mirror of Enchantment
A mirror that reveals hidden enchantments and dispels magical illusions.

The Silver Scepter of Sovereignty
A scepter that represents a ruler’s authority and legitimacy over the kingdom.

The Spear of Destiny
Another name for the Holy Lance, associated with divine providence and fate.

The Spear of Destiny
A spear said to be guided by fate, ensuring that it never misses its intended target.

The Spear of Elemental Fury
A spear that channels the fury of the elements in its strikes.

The Spear of Justice
A spear that ensures justice and fairness in all endeavors.

The Spear of the Setting Sun
A spear that harnesses the energy of the setting sun, increasing its strength with twilight.

The Spear of Thunder
A spear that conjures thunderstorms and wields the power of lightning.

The Spear of Truth
A mystical spear representing justice and the unyielding pursuit of truth.

The Spear of Truth-Telling
A spear that compels its wielder to speak only the truth and confront deception.

The Staff of Astral Guidance
A staff that serves as a compass and points its wielder toward their desired destination.

The Staff of Astral Projection
A staff that enables its wielder to project their consciousness to distant places.

The Staff of Celestial Communication
A staff that enables telepathic communication with others.

The Staff of Celestial Control
A staff that grants dominion over elemental forces and magical energies.

The Staff of Celestial Empowerment
A staff that enhances the abilities and talents of its wielder.

The Staff of Celestial Guidance

  1. A staff that points the way to one’s true path and purpose.
  2. A staff the provides divine guidance and wisdom to its bearer.
  3. A staff that provides counsel and guidance to its bearer.

The Staff of Celestial Harmony
A staff that can calm and pacify even the most ferocious of adversaries.

The Staff of Celestial Healing
A staff that possesses the power to heal wounds and cure illnesses.

The Staff of Celestial Insight
A staff that grants its wielder profound insight and heightened perception.

The Staff of Celestial Navigation
A staff that aids its bearer in navigating the night sky and stars.

The Staff of Celestial Resurgence
A staff that can revitalize and bring life to withered or barren lands.

The Staff of Celestial Resurrection
A staff that can bring the deceased back to life.

The Staff of Celestial Transformation

  1. A staff that can change objects and creatures into different forms.
  2. A staff that can alter reality and reshape the world around its wielder.

The Staff of Celestial Vision
A staff that grants its holder the ability to perceive distant events and locations.

The Staff of Elemental Creation
A staff that can summon and control the elements to shape the environment.

The Staff of Elemental Mastery
A staff that controls the elements, allowing its wielder to command earth, fire, air, and water.

The Staff of Enchanted Forests
A staff that grants its wielder control over the flora and fauna of the forests.

The Staff of Healing Light
A staff that emits healing light to mend wounds and cure ailments.

The Staff of Restoration
A staff that has the power to heal and restore life.

The Staff of Timelessness
A staff that can manipulate time, slowing it down or speeding it up.

The Staff of Time’s Embrace
A staff that allows its wielder to manipulate time, causing time loops or time jumps.

The Staff of Transformation
A staff that can transform objects and creatures into different forms.

The Starfire Cloak of Celestial Wisdom
A cloak that imparts profound knowledge and understanding.

The Starfire Cloak of Elemental Mastery
A cloak that grants control over the elemental forces of fire, water, earth, and air.

The Starfire Cloak of Ethereal Flight
A cloak that grants the power of flight to its wearer.

The Starfire Cloak of Ethereal Protection
A cloak that shields its wearer from all forms of harm, physical and magical.

The Starfire Cloak of Protection

  1. A cloak that generates a shimmering shield to ward off attacks and projectiles.
  2. A cloak that shields its wearer from all forms of harm and malevolence.

The Starfire Cloak of Resilience
A cloak that protects its wearer from all forms of harm and danger.

The Starfire Cloak of Timelessness
A cloak that grants its wearer the ability to exist outside the constraints of time.

The Starfire Shield
A shield that glimmers with the light of distant stars, enhancing its bearer’s defenses.

The Starfire Sword

  1. A sword forged from stardust, capable of cutting through any material and harnessing cosmic power.
  2. A sword that glows with celestial light and strikes fear into the hearts of evildoers.

The Starlight Arrows
Arrows made from star fragments that never miss their target and guide the archer’s aim.

The Starlight Cloak
A cloak that grants its wearer the ability to traverse the night sky like a shooting star.

The Starlight Shield
A shield that reflects the light of the stars, blinding enemies who dare to gaze upon it.

The Starlight Veil
A veil that grants its wearer the ability to see through disguises and illusions.

The Starlit Bow of Precision
A bow that shoots arrows with unerring accuracy.

The Starlit Cape of Invisibility
A cape that renders its wearer invisible under the light of the stars.

The Starlit Cloak
A cloak woven with threads from the stars, granting its wearer protection and guidance under the night sky.

The Starlit Cloak of Astral Projection
A cloak that allows its wearer to explore other realms through astral travel.

The Starlit Cloak of Celestial Guidance
A cloak that provides direction and guidance in times of uncertainty.

The Starlit Cloak of Celestial Protection
A cloak that wards off malevolent forces and curses.

The Starlit Cloak of Elemental Balance
A cloak that harmonizes the forces of nature and maintains equilibrium.

The Starlit Cloak of Ethereal Travel
A cloak that allows its wearer to travel between realms and dimensions.

The Starlit Cloak of Invisibility
A cloak that grants its wearer the power to become invisible at will.

The Starlit Shield of Reflection
A shield that reflects the attacks of enemies back upon themselves.

The Starry Robe of Nightfall
A robe that shrouds its wearer in the brilliance of the stars.

The Stone of Dermailles
A mysterious stone or gem with healing properties that appears in some Arthurian romances.

The Stone of Eternal Flames
A stone that emits an eternal flame, symbolizing undying passion or devotion.

The Stone of Prophecy
A stone that foretells future events and guides knights on their quests.

The Stone of Sacrifice
A stone used in ancient rituals to channel magical energies or offer tribute to deities.

The Stone of Truth
A mystical stone that reveals lies and deceit.

The Stone of Unity
A stone that fosters unity and cooperation among people and nations.

The Stone of Valor
A gemstone that enhances the courage and bravery of its possessor.

The Stone of Wisdom’s Echo
A magical stone that answers any question posed to it with wisdom and insight.

The Sunburst Talisman
A talisman that harnesses the power of the sun, granting radiant strength.

The Sword of Ethereal Flames
A sword that wields the power of otherworldly flames, capable of burning even magical entities.

The Sword of Justice
A blade that embodies the concept of justice and is said to strike down wrongdoers.

The Sword of Liberation
A sword that can free captives and break curses.

The Sword of Mercy
A blade that shows clemency and compassion even in the midst of battle.

The Sword of Sacred Oaths
A sword that binds its wielder to their sworn promises and duties.

The Sword of Starfall
A blade that glows with the light of falling stars and increases in power during celestial events.

The Sword of the Distant Star
A sword said to have fallen from the heavens, possessing celestial powers.

The Sword of the Light
A mythical sword said to emit a radiant glow, representing righteousness and truth.

The Talisman of Protection
A magical talisman that wards off evil and negative influences.

The Thunderbolt Lance
A lance that harnesses the power of thunder and lightning in battle.

The Thunderous Horn
A horn capable of creating deafening sounds and causing fear in opponents.

The Viel of Veronica
A sacred relic believed to bear the miraculous image of Christ’s face. It is sometimes associated with the Arthurian world and its knights. [More]

The Wand of Enchantment
A wand used by sorcerers and enchanters to cast spells and perform magical feats.

The Wand of Transformation
A magical wand that can change objects or individuals into different forms.

See also
Escalone | The Legend of King Arthur
Shape-shifting | The Legend of King Arthur