Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Aber Alaw

Aber Alaw is in Anglesey, North Wales. Specifically, Aber Alaw refers to the estuary where the Afon Alaw (River Alaw) flows into the Irish sea. Anglesey is the largest island in Wales and is situated in the Irish Sea, separated from the Welsh mainland by the Menai Strait.

Queen Branwen died of grief here, blaming herself for what had happened.

Aber Alaw | 0 to the 9th century

Roman Influence
During the Roman period, which began with the Roman invasion of Britain in the first century AD, Anglesey – known as Mona to the Romans – came under Roman control. The Romans established settlements and fortifications on the island, including the fort of Segontium (Caernarfon) on the nearby mainland. Anglesey was known for its agricultural and mineral resources.

Celtic and Roman Interaction
Anglesey was inhabited by Celtic tribes before the Roman arrival, and the Romans established a peaceful and productive relationship with the local Celtic population. The island was a significant source of grain fro the Roman military in Britain.

Anglesey Revolt | 61 AD
In 61 AD, during the rule of Queen Boudica, a major revolt against Roman rule took place in the region, and Anglesey was one of the focal points of the revolt. The Romans eventually reestablished control over the island.

Viking Raids
In the eighth and ninth centuries, the coastal regions of Anglesey, including Aber Alaw, became vulnerable to Viking raids and incursions. The Vikings targeted many parts of the British Isles in their search for plunder and settlements.

Early Medieval Period
The late ninth century marked the transition to the early medieval period in Anglesey, which saw the influence of various powers, including the Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, and local Welsh rulers.

See also
Aber Deu Cleddyf | The Legend of King Arthur
Aber Tywi | The Legend of King Arthur