Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Bossiney Mound

King Arthur’s Hall, King Arthur’s Round Table

Bossiney Mound, also known as King Arthur’s Hall, is a historic site located near the village of Bossiney in Cornwall, England. It is close to the town of Tintagel on the north coast of Cornwall.

The mound is associated with Arthurian legends. Some local folklore and traditions claim that Bossiney Mound was used as a meeting place for King Arthur and his knights – hence the alternative name “King Arthur’s Round Table.” It is said to have the Round Table concealed beneath it. It was supposed to rise out of it on Midsummer Night. It would emit a flash of light, which would illuminate the sky, and then it would sink beneath the mound once again.

Bossiney Mound | History

The history of the mound is not well-documented, and much of what is known about the site comes from archaeological investigations and local folklore.

Ancient Origins
Bossiney Mound is believed to be an artificial or man-made mound, constructed by human hands. The purpose of its construction and its age are subjects of archaeological inquiry.

Bossiney Mound is an oval-shaped earthwork, roughly one hundred meters in diameter, with a cental mound or platform. The earthwork is composed of a raised bank and ditch, which encircle the central area, which suggest deliberate planning and construction

Archaeological Investigations
Archaeological investigations have been conducted at Bossiney Mound to learn more about its origins, function, and any artifacts associated with it. Due to the lack of historical documentation specifically referincing the mound, archaeologists rely on material evidence and contextual analysis to understand its history.

Purpose and Function
The purpose and function of Bossiney Mound remain the subject of scholarly debates and speculation. Some theories suggest that it could have served as a defensive structure, ceremonial site, or possibly had another functional role in the past.