Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Camelide, Camiliard, Camilyard, Cannelide, Canneline, Carmalide, Carmalyde, Carmelide, Carmelie, Carmelike, Carmelyde, Charmelide, Tamalide, TamaUde, Tamelide, Tamelirde, Tarmelide, Tarmelirde, Thamelide, Tharmelide

Cameliard is a fictional or legendary realm that appears in Arthurian legend and literature. The details and characteristics of Cameliard can vary in different version of the Arthurian tales, as these stories were transmitted oraly and in various written forms over the centuries.

The kingdom of Arthur’s father-in-law, King Leodegrance, in Scotland or else in south-west England, possibly having some association with the north Cornish Camel or the town of Camelford. One of the most important cities was Carolhaise. Malory calls King Leodegrance’s kingdom “Camiliard.”

Cameliard may be mentioned in the context of various quests and adventures undertaken by King Arthur and his knights. The kingdom might be the setting for events such as tournaments, battles, or diplomatic interactions within the Arthurian narrative.

The Vulgate identifies it as the territory between Bedingran (Sherwood Forest) and King Ryons’ country (Norgales). Thus, Cameliard would include the eastern half of Cheshire joined to Derbyshire or the western half of Derbyshire, arching above Staffordshire so as not to cut into the territory of Bertilak de Hautdesert and the Green Chapel.

Cleodalis was its seneschal. Carmelide was the home of Sir Guyanor (Guyomard), one of Morgan le Fay’s lovers, and of Arthur’s knights Puredes (Purades) and Landens. Its capital was Zelegrebre.

The country was invaded by Saxons led by King Rions in the early days of Arthur’s reign, and its two principle cities, Aneblayse and Carhaix, were besieged. ArthurMerlinKing Ban of Benoic, and King Bors of Gannes traveled to Carmelide and twice helped Leodegan rout the invaders; Arthur himself slew Rions. Tennyson replaces Rions’ invasion with one by King Urien.

Vulgate Lancelot | 1215-1230
Vulgate Merlin | 1220-1235
Le Livre d’Artus | Early 13th century
Arthour and Merlin | Late 13th century
Le Morte Darthur | Sir Thomas Malory, 1469-1470
Idylls of the King | Lord Alfred Tennyson, 1859-1886