Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Camlet Moat

Camelot Moat, London’s Camelot, North Camelott Ground

Camlet Moat is a small, moated archaeological site in London, England.

It was known as Camelot in the Middle Ages. Various places around there were referred to as North Camelot, East Camelot, West Camelot and Camelot Hill. In the twelfth century Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex, lived there.

Camlet Moat | History

The history of Camlet Moat is somewhat speculative due to the limited historical records available, but archaeological investigations have provided insights into its probable origins and use.

Camlet Moat is situated within Trent Park, which is a large public park in the London Borough of Enfield. The park itself has a history dating back to the medieval period, and Camlet Moat is one of the notable archaeological features within its grounds.

Medieval Origins | 14th – 15th centuries
Camlet Moat is believed to date back to the medieval period, with estimates suggesting origins in the fourteenth or fifteenth century. During this time, the site may have been associated with Camlet Manor, a medieval estate in the vicinity. Manors in medieval England were often centers of agricultural and administrative activities, and the presence of a moat could indicate the location of a manor house or related structures.

Protective Earthwork
The earthwork structure of Camlet Moat, consisting of a raised platform surrounded by a water-filled moat, suggests a defensive or protective function. Such features were common for manorial sites during the medieval period, offering protection against potential threats. The moat at Camlet Moat is roughly rectangular in shape and measures about 60 by 40 meters.

Occupation and Activities
Excavations at Camlet Moat have revealed evidence of occupation and various activities. Archaeological findings include artifacts such as pottery, suggesting the presence of structures and human habitation. The site may have served multiple purposes, including residential, agricultural, or possibly leisure-related activities. It has been suggested to have been a hunting lodge or a summer retreat for nobility during the medieval period.

Historical Documents and Archaeological Excavations
While Camlet Moat is mentioned in historical documents, specific details about the activities at Camlet Moat are limited. Archaeological investigations have been crucial in uncovering its history. Excavations have revealed structural features, artifacts, and other clues that contribute to understanding the site’s medieval occupation and its role within the broader context of the manor.