Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Carn Arthur

“Arthur’s Grave”

The Preseli Hills, also known as the Preseli Mountains or Preseli Hills Range, are located in Pembrokeshire, Wales. These hills are notable for their historical and cultural significance, including their association with the legend of King Arthur.

One particular site of interest in the Preseli Hills is Bedd Arthur, which translates to “Arthur’s Grave” in Welsh. Bedd Arthur is a cairn, or a mound of stones. It is associated with Arthurian legend and folklore, suggesting that it might be the final resting place of King Arthur or connected to his burial.

According to the legend, it is said that Arthur threw the stone, which is perced precariously on its top, from either Dyffryn or Henry’s Moat to its current resting place atop Carn Arthur. This means that he would have thrown it in a distance of about five miles.

Carn, carnedd, or cairn, means a heap of stones, pile of stones.