Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Carn Gwylathyr

Garn Gwylathyr
Plynlimon, Pumlumon, Pumlumon Fawr

It is the highest point in the Cambrian Mountains range in mid-Wales. It is associated with the “five peaks” region. The name Carn or Garn Gwylathyr is unknown, but it might be identified with Y Garn near the source of the River Wye, according to Chris Grooms, where the name could be gwy llethr, meaning “see slope” in Welsh.

Arthur’s warriors Cei and Bedwyr plucked Dillus’s beard and killed the giant afterwards here.

Carn, carnedd, or cairn, means a heap of stones.

See also
Cambria | The Legend of King Arthur
Wales | The Legend of King Arthur

Culhwch and Olwen | Late 11th century