Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Chapel of the Lances

An old, dilapidated church in a wasteland. On a marble tomb in the churchyard were the words:

Do not enter. Unless you are the wretched knight who has lost the chance of finding the Holy Grail through his luxury, you cannot achieve the adventure of the churchyard.

Inside was a burning tomb with twelve other tombs, each with a lance, surrounding it. When any knight entered, the lances advanced and beat him to unconsciousness. He would wake to find himself outside again. On the door of the chapel was written:

"Only the son of the Dolorous Queen can enter this churchyard without shame."

If the Dolorous Queen was meant Elaine of Benwick; the adventure, of course, was for Lancelot.

Going on from this church, one reached a fork in the road. A warning on the stone read:

Do not take the road on the left, for it will bring you to shame.

This road led to Guindoel Castle. The road on the right led to Carbonek. This puts the chapel between Scotland and Listeneise (Listenois).