Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Hill of the Cat

Mons du Chat, Mont du Chat

A knoll next to Lake Lausanne in France or Italy where Arthur slew a giant devil cat in the Vulgate Merlin. The evil cat, which had been born when a fisherman broke a promise to God, had terrorized the region for many years. Prior to Arthur’s defeat of the cat, the hill was called the Hill of the Lake.

The monster defeated by Arthur recalls the Cath Palug of Welsh legend. The author of Merlin may be referring to Cat’s Tooth, a hill in Savoy.

See also
Col du Chat and Dent du Chat | The Legend of King Arthur
Lac du Bourget | The Legend of King Arthur
Mont du Chat | The Legend of King Arthur

Vulgate Merlin | 1220-1235