Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

La Petite Aumosne

“The Little Dole”
l’Abbaye la Petite Aumosne, Celice, Celite, Celique, Pour Secors, Secors as Poures, Selide

Originally called “li Secors as Poures,” meaning Help for the Poor, this abbey, which was rather needy itself, was renamed La Petite Aumosne by King Helisier (Eliezier), a contemporary and convert of Joseph of Arimathea, who quipped that during thirty years of holy wandering, he had received here the smallest hand-out anywhere, though it was all they had to give.

Despite its poverty, La Petite Aumosne was still around in Arthur’s time, a source of religious men who could at least give traveling knights the local news.

Petite Aumosne was in the neighborhood of the castle Tertre Deuee and the Forest of the Boiling Well, and possibly also near King Vagor’s Isle Estrange.

A brother at the abbey told Lancelot the story of Le Tertre Deuee.

See also
Small Charity | The Legend of King Arthur