Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Le Tertre Deuee

“The Forbidden Hill”
Le Tertre Desvoye, Le Tertre Devee

A fortress near the Perilous Forest, established by Sir Clochides (Eloides) who loved the daughter of King Esclamor of the Red City, but she did not love Clochides. So the princess had Clochides take her to a strong castle he built on a hill. Clochides had only one approach to Le Tertre Deuee, and he defended it for twenty years against all comers, killing every knight. His victims were buried in the abbey called Small Charity.

Finally Sir Bors de Ganis defeated and mortally wounded Clochides, but, before dying, Clochides made him promise to keep up the customs. Bors did so, on the condition that he imprison rather than slay any Knight of the Round Table. In three months he killed more than sixty knights, and by the time his cousin Lancelot arrived, fourteen members of the Round Table were imprisoned here, among them Gawain and Yvain.

Lancelot recognized Bors by his sword, which had once been Duke Galeholt’s. Then the knights were freed, the customs dropped, everybody reconciled and happy. We don’t know what happened to the princess. Bors knighted his squire Axilles and invested him with the castle.

Le Tertre Deuee was in the vicinity of the Forest of the Boiling Well and the abbey La Petite Aumosne; possibly also in the vicinity of King Vagor’s Isle Estrange. Further on, the Vulgate tells us it was in “the perilous forest,” perhaps either Carteloise Forest or an adjacent forest to the east. “The perilous forest” is an appellation belonging to more forests than just one or two.

See also
Achilles the Blond | The Legend of King Arthur