Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia

Perilous Castle

Five entries with the name Perilous Castle.

Perilous Castle

A manor where Sir Meliot of Logres lay sick until he was cured by Lancelot.

Perilous Castle

A castle Arthur had to conquer in order to free the Kingdom of Damsels from the grip of a tyrant.

Le Chevalier du Papegau | Late 14th century or early 15th century

Perilous Castle

Chastel Paorous

A castle ruled by Lord Menelais.

It was said that no one passed the castle without seeing or hearing something that would terrify him.

Meriadeuc or Le Chevalier aux Deux Épées | c. 1225-1250

Perilous Castle

A castle ruled by Orgueillox the Proud.

The castle’s enchantments were destroyed by Arthur’s knights Claris and Laris.

Claris et Laris | 1268

Perilous Castle

Tristram (Tristan), Gouvernail, Kehydius, and Dame Bragwaine (Brangain) were on their way by boat from Brittany to Cornwall when an extremely “contrarious wind” blew them off course to North Wales, where they came ashore near the Castle Perilous. Tristram went into the forest because

in this forest are many strange adventures, as I heard say.

This would seem to put it near the Forest Perilous of Annowre the Sorceress in North Wales.