
    1. Meliodas

      King of Liones (Lyonesse) and father of Tristan (Tristram).

      In his youth he had carried off the Queen of Scotland, which led to war between him and Arthur. In Malory, he is the brother-in-law, in Italian romance the brother, of Mark of Cornwall. Tristano Riccardiano calls him father Felix. Meliodas first married Elizabeth, Tristan's mother, and, after her death, wed a daughter of Hoel of Brittany. Another of Hoel's daughters was to marry Tristan. This would therefore make Iseult of Brittany both sister-in-law and daughter-in-law to Meliodas. Meliodas was eventually killed by knights of the count of Norhout (Norholt).

      Meliodas' imprisonment by an amorous enchantress caused the death of his first wife, Mark's sister Elizabeth, who gave birth suddenly to Tristram while searching the woods for her husband and then died of cold and exposure. Merlin released Meliodas from the enchantress on the morning after Elizabeth's death.

      But the sorrow that the king made for his queen that might no tounge tell.

      After seven years of widowerhood, Meliodas married a daughter of Howel of Brittany (Hoel) - presumably an older sister of Isoud la Blance Mains - who gave him more children. This second queen decided to get rid of Tristram so that her own offspring would inherit Lyonesse. Her first attempt to poison Tristram ended in death of her own son, who drank the poison by mistake. She tried again, and this time Meliodas himself almost drank the poison. When she snatched it from him, he grew suspicious and, by threatening her at sword point, made her confess all. He would have burned her, but Tristram himself pleaded for her life and

      made the king and her accorded. But then the king would not suffer young Tristram to abide no longer in his court

      and sent him into France (perhaps to Howel's court?) under the turorship of Gouvernail. After seven years, Tristram came home again, already well accomplished, and stayed until the age of eighteen years.

      and then the King Meliodas had great joy of Sir Tristram, and so had the queen, his wife. For ever after ... because Sir Tristram saved her from the fire, she did never hate him more after, but loved him ever after, and gave Tristram many great gifts.

      When Meliodas' court recieved news of Sir Marhaus' impending battle with Mark's champion - providing Mark could find one - to settle the truage question with the Irish king, Tristram begged his father to let him go to his uncle, be made knight at Mark's hands, and fight as his champion. After cautioning his son of Marhaus' might, Meliodas agreed.

      I will well, said King Meliodas, that ye be ruled as your courage will rule you.

      These would seem to be Meliodas' last words to his famous son; presumably he died a natural death while Tristram was on his adventures.

      See also
      Meliadus | The Legend of King Arthur
      Pernehan | The Legend of King Arthur

    2. Meliodas

      Natural son of King Meliodas of Liones and the Queen of Scotland. His mother set him adrift and was raised by the Lady of the Lake, though this may be a different lady from that associated with Excalibur, or even the one said to have raised Lancelot.