Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Cambridgeshire is a county located in the east of England. It is bordered by several counties, including Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, and Northamptonshire.

Cambridgeshire | 0 to the 9th century AD

Roman Period | 1st – 5th centuries
Cambridgeshire, situated within the larger Roman province of Britannia, experienced Roman occupation. The Romans established settlements and infrastructure, including roads. Ermine Street, a Roman road, passed through Cambridgeshire, connecting London with the northern regions of Britannia.

Post-Roman Period | 5th – 7th centuries
With the decline and withdrawal of Roman authority from Britannia in the early fifth century, Cambridgeshire, like much of England, entered a period of transition. The region became part of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms that emerged during this time.

Anglo-Saxon Settlement | 5th – 9th centuries
The Anglo-Saxons, migrating from continental Europe, established settlements in Cambridgeshire. The area would have been part of the Kingdom of East Anglia, one of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms that emerged during the early medieval period.

The spread of Christianity in Cambridgeshire is associated with the Anglo-Saxon period. Christian communities, monasteries, and churches were established, contributing to the Christianization of the region.

Viking Raids | 8th – 9th centuries
Like many areas in England, Cambridgeshire experienced Viking raids during the eighth and ninth centuries. The Vikings targeted monasteries and settlements along rivers. The impact of Viking incursions and the response of local rulers contributed to the evolving political landscape of the time.

Burials and Archaeological Evidence
Archaeological evidence, including burial sites and artifacts, provides insights into the material culture and settlement patterns of the early medieval period in Cambridgeshire. These discoveries contribute to our understanding of how communities lived during this time.