Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Glywysing, Glevesing, Gwlad Gliwys

An early medieval Welsh kingdom located in the southern part of modern-day Wales, roughly corresponding to the historic counties of Glamorgan and Monmouthshire. It was one of the many small kingdoms that emerged in the wake of the Roman withdrawal from Britain.

The village of Elledi was located in the territory, which was the home of the child Ambrosius.

Glywysing | History

Post-Roman Period
After the Roman withdrawal from Britain in the fifth century, the region that would become Glywysing, situated in the southern part of modern-day Wales, saw the emergence of independent Welsh kingdoms.

Formation and Early Rulers
Glywysing is associated with the early medieval period in Wales, roughly from the fifth to the seventh centuries. The founder of the kingdom was King Glywys (Gwlyw), who gave his name to the realm. King Glywys is mentioned in various medieval Welsh genealogies and texts, and he is traditionally considered a descendant of Brychan Brycheiniog, a legendary figure associated with several early Welsh dynasties. King Glywys was a Christian ruler, and the kingdom became a center of early Christian activity.

Relations with Other Kingdoms
Glywysing was situated in close proximity to other early Welsh kingdoms, including Gwent, Ergyng (later Herefordshire), and Gwynllwg. These regions had complex relationships marked by alliances, conflicts, and shifting boundaries.

Christianity and Monasticism
The spread of Christianity was a significant aspect of Glywysing’s history. Monastic establishments, such as the one founded by Saint Cadoc, who lived in the sixth century, became centers of learning, religious life, and cultural preservation. The Llancarfan Church in Glamorgan, associated with Saint Cadoc, became an important center of learning and religious activity during this time.

Formation of Morgannwg
In the late eighth centry, Glywysing had diminished in significance, and the area experienced changes in political and territorial control. Eventually Glywysing merged with the neighboring kingdom of Gwent to form the larger and more powerful Kingdom of Morgannwg (or Morganwg). This consolidation was part of a broader trend in medieval Wales, where smaller kingdoms merged to create larger political entities.

Norman Conquest and Later Periods
In the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the Normans began exerting influence in the area, leading to the gradual integration of Morgannwg into the Norman-controlled Lordship of Glamorgan. This marked a significant shift in the political landscape of the region.

The region that was once Glywysing is part of the modern counties of Glamorgan and Monmouthshire.