Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Cessoigne, Saisoigne, Saissogne, Saissoigne, Sansogna, Sansoigne, Saxonie, Saxonye, Saxoyne, Sessoigne, Sessoine, Sessoingne, Sessoyne

Saxony refers to a historical region in central Europe, and it has been a cultural and historical entity for centuries. Historically, the term Saxony has been associated with the medieval Duchy of Saxony, which played a significant role in the medieval German Empire.

The home of the Saxons. In the Middle Ages, it was the name of a duchy at the base of the Jutland peninsula.

The Vulgate Merlin calls Brandegorre its king. In the Icelandic Saga of Tristram ok Ísodd, its Emperor, Donísus, is an ally of Tristan.

In Chrétien de Troyes’s Cliges, the Duke of Saxony is a nobleman who loves Fenice, the daughter of the Emperor of GermanyAlis, the Emperor of Constantinople and Greece, challenged the Duke of Saxony for Fenice’s hand in marriage. They fought a battle in the Black Forest near Cologne, and Alis won the battle through the prowess of Cliges, his nephew.

Saxony | 0 to 9th century AD

Early Saxon Tribes | 1st – 3rd centuries
The Saxons were a group of Germanic tribes living in what is now northern Germany and the Netherlands. They inhabited the region between the North Sea and the Elbe River. The Saxon tribes included the Westphalians, Eastphalians, and Angarians, among others. They were known for their seafaring skills and engaged in both trade and raiding activities along the North Sea and the coasts of the Baltic Sea. The Saxon social structure was tribal, and they were led by chieftains. During this period, the Saxons engaged in trade with the Roman Empire, but they also occasionally clashed with the Romans.

In the first century AD, the Roman Empire sought to expand its influence into Germanic territories, leading to conflicts. The Battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD was a significant event where Germanic tribes, including the Cherusci, led by the chieftain Arminius (or Hermann), ambushed and decisively defeated three Roman legions led by Publius Quinctillius Varus. Arminius, who had received Roman military training, used his knowledge to exploit Roman tactics and terrain, leading to a devastating defeat for the Romans. The defeat had profound consequences, as it halted Roman attempts to fully conquer Germania east of the Rhine River, shaping the cultural and political landscape of the region.

Roman Interaction and the Migration Period | 4th – 6th centuries
As the Roman Empire declined, the Saxons, like other Germanic tribes, took advantage of the weakening Roman authority. They conducted raids along the Roman frontiers and sought to expand their territories. The Migration Period saw large-scale movements of various Germanic tribes, including those in the Saxony region, as well as the Huns and other migratory groups. As the Roman Empire weakened, Germanic tribes played a role in the shifting political landscape

Saxon Wars and the Saxon Rebellion | 772 – 804 and 842
The most significant event in Saxon history during this period was the Saxon Wars, a series of campaigns led by Charlemagne of the Carolingian Empire. Charlemagne sought to subdue the Saxon tribes and bring them under his rule and convert them to Christianity.

The Battle of Verden in 782 was a notable event where Charlemagne defeated the Saxons and subsequently ordered the execution of several thousand Saxons who resisted conversion to Christianity. The forced conversion of the Saxons to Christianity played a crucial role in their integration into the Frankish Empire. Missionaries, including Saint Boniface, were instrumental in spreading Christianity among the Saxons.

Despite the Frankish efforts to Christianize the Saxons, there were periods of resistance, including the Saxon Rebellion of 842. This resistance was often tied to efforts to preserve their traditional pagan beliefs and way of life.

Emergence of the Duchy of Saxony | 9th century
By the ninth century, the Saxon people began to consolidate their territories, and the Duchy of Saxony emerged as a powerful political entity under the leadership of the Liudolfing dynasty. This laid the foundation for the later Holy Roman Empire.

Cligés | Chrétien de Troyes, late 12th century
Vulgate Merlin | 1220-1235
Arthour and Merlin | Late 13th century
Saga af Tristram ok Isodd | 14th century