Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Warwickshire is a county located in the West Midlands region of England. It is bordered by Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, and Worcestershire.

Warwickshire | 0 to the 9th century AD

Roman Period | 1st – 5th centuries
During the Roman occupation of Britain, Warwickshire was part of the larger Roman province of Britannia. The Romans established settlements, roads, and fortifications in the region. The Fosse Way, a Roman road, passed through Warwickshire, connecting Exeter to Lincoln.

Anglo-Saxon Settlement | 5th – 9th centuries
With the decline and withdrawal of Roman rule in the early fifth century, Anglo-Saxon tribes migrated to and settled in various parts of England, including Warwickshire. The region became part of the Kingdom of Mercia, one of the dominant Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.

Kingdom of Mercia
Mercia, with its capital at Tamworth, exerted influence over Warwickshire. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle records that the Kingdom of Mercia was established in the seventh century, and it played a significant role in shaping the political and cultural landscape of the region.

The spread of Christianity in Warwickshire is associated with the Anglo-Saxon period. Monasteries and religious communities were established, contributing to the Christianization of the region.

Viking Raids | 8th – 9th centuries
Like many parts of England, Warwickshire experienced Viking raids during the eighth and ninth centuries. The Vikings targeted monasteries and settlements along rivers. These raids had a significant impact on the local population and the socio-political landscape.

Battle of Maserfield
The Battle of Maserfield, also known as the Battle of Maes Cogwy, took place in the year 642, and it was a significant conflict between the Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Northumbria and the Kingdom of Mercia.

The battle was part of the complex power struggles between various Anglo-Saxon kingdoms during the seventh century. Mercia, under King Penda, and Northumbria, under King Oswald, were two of the most prominent kingdoms at the time. Oswald of Northumbria and Penda of Mercia were involved in a longstanding rivalry. Oswald was a Christian king, and his reign was characterized by efforts to spread Christianity. Penda, on the other hand, adhered to traditional pagan beliefs and resisted Christian influence.

The details of the battle are not well-documented, and historical accounts come from later sources, which can be subject to interpretation and legendary embellishment. According to some accounts, the Battle of Maserfield took place near Oswestry in the region known as Maes Cogwy in present-day Shropshire, England.

The battle resulted in the death of King Oswald. According to tradition, he was killed in the midst of the battle, and it is said that his body was dismembered. The circumstances of his death became the subject of later legend and hagiography. Although victorious, King Penda also perished in the battle. The exact details of his death are not clear, but it is generally believed that he was killed during the conflict.

The Battle of Maserfield had significant repercussions for both Northumbria and Mercia. The death of Oswald marked the end of his reign, and his brother Oswiu succeeded him as a king. In Mercia, Penda’s death eventually led to internal conflicts and shifts in leadership.

The battles has religious significance due to the contrasting Christian and pagan beliefs of Oswald and Penda. Oswald, who became a saint in the Christian tradition, was seen as a martyr for his faith.