Places in the Arthurian Legends - W
Wadling | Wathelan, Wathelyne
A lake. [More]
A region. [More]
Wales | Galays, Galeys, Galis, Galles, Galoes, Galys, Gaules, Glois, Valois, Waleis, Walest, Walis
Several minor kingdoms. [More]
A seaport. [More]
Walwerth | Walweitha
A territory. [More]
A castle. [More]
A castle. [More]
Wanglet | Wanglent
A castle. [More]
Warwick | Cargueit, Guarensis, Guivic, Warguit, Warwyk
A county. [More]
Waste | Desert, Deserted Land, Desolate Forest, Gaste Capiele, Gaste Citié, Gaste Forest, etc.
Nine locations and three characters. [More]
- Waste Castle - Or the Poor Castle.
- Waste Chapel - Three locations.
- Waste City - A supernatural place.
- Waste Forest - Perceval's childhood grounds.
- Waste Fountain - A location.
- Waste Land - Also known as the Strange Land.
- Waste Land - A region.
- Waste Lands, King of the - King Pellam.
- Waste Lands, Queen of the - Percival's aunt.
- Waste Manor - A residence.
One location and one item. [More]
- Water Bridge - One of two crossings into Gore.
- Water Lily - An Egyptian ship.
A territory. [More]
A territory. [More]
Weeping Castle
See Castle Pluere.
Welsh Gate
A gate. [More]
A country. [More]
A kingdom. [More]
One location and one character. [More]
- West Islands - A realm.
- West Wales, Lord of - Supported Arthur.
Westminster | West Minster
A town. [More]
A land. [More]
A city. [More]
Wheel of Fire
A location. [More]
White | Blanc Castel, Blanc Chevalier, Blance Citié, Blance Terre, Blance Tour, Blanche Espine, etc.
Twenty-two locations and ten characters. [More]
- White Abbey - Two locations.
- White Castle - Four locations.
- White City - Two locations.
- White Cross - A landmark.
- White Forest - Two locations.
- White Fortress - Shrouded in darkness.
- White Hag - Mother of the Black Hag.
- White Knight - Eight characters.
- White Lake - Five locations.
- White Land - Four locations.
- White Mount - Tower of London.
- White Mountain - A kingdom.
- White Stag - Features in several tales.
- White Thorn Castle - A castle.
- White Thorn Ford - An estate.
- White Tower - Home of Galerian.
Wicked | Chevalier Malfait, Male Voisine, Malvagia Usanza
Two characters, one item, one location and one event. [More]
- Wicked Custom - A beheading game.
- Wicked Knight - Two knights.
- Wicked Neighbor - A horn.
- Wicked Pass - Into Caradoc's lands.
A battle site. [More]
Wight, Isle of | Wyghte
An island. [More]
Wild | Forest Salvage
Four locations and one event. [More]
- Wild Forest - Two locations.
- Wild Hunt - A supernatural hunt.
- Wild Mountain - A land.
A county. [More]
Winchester | Guincestre, Wincestre, Wynchester
A city. [More]
Windesan | Huidesain, Huidesan, Huidesanc, Huidesant, Huidessan, Huiudesant, Hussidan, etc.
A city. [More]
Windesores | Dindesores, Guindesores, Guindresores, Hinguesores, Iguesores, Lindesores, etc.
Ruled by Sinados. [More]
Windfall Run
A place in America. [More]
Windsor | Earl of Windsor, Guinesores, Videsores, Vindesores, Windeskore
Two locations and one character. [More]
- Windsor - A city.
- Windsor, Earl or Count of - Rebelled against Arthur.
- Windsor Forest - Surrounding Windsor Castle.
A castle. [More]
A city. [More]
A barren wilderness. [More]
Wisant | Vincent, Winchent, Winsant, Witsand, Wydesande, Wydesans
A city. [More]
Wise | Dame de la Forest, Dame de la Forest Avenrureuse, Sage Dame, Wise Maiden, etc.
Two characters and one location. [More]
- Wise Damsel - A sorceress.
- Wise Damsel's Rock - A castle.
- Wise Lady of the Forest of No Return - A lady.
Wood in the Valley
A forest. [More]
Worchester | Worcester
A city. [More]