Places in the Arthurian Legends - G
A land. [More]
A town. [More]
A land. [More]
A castle. [More]
Home of Ither. [More]
Gaihom | Gahone, Gailhom, Gaion, Garam, Gohorre, Gohorru, Gorhan, Gorhom
A capital. [More]
Gais | Gais Chasteaus, Gais Galantis, Gais le Gros, etc.
One location and two characters. [More]
- Gais - A castle.
- Gais Ganlantins - A knight.
- Gais the Large - Perceval’s grandfather.
Galabes | Alaban
A fountain. [More]
A land. [More]
Galafort | Galefort
A castle. [More]
Galahad | Galaad, Galaas, Galaat, Galad, Galade, Galahos, Galas, Galasso, etc.
Six characters and two locations. [More]
- Galahad - Aon of Joseph of Arimathea.
- Galahad - Lancelot du Lac.
- Galahad - Saxon king.
- Galahad - Galeholt.
- Galahad - Son of King Hipomenes.
- Galahad - Grail Knight.
- Galahad's Fountain - The Boiling Well.
- Galahad's Miracle - An abbey.
Galanton | Galecon, Galenton, Garantan, Garanton, Guillenton
A castle. [More]
Galatone | Galatoute, Leguechocie, Leguentone, Leguetone
A city. [More]
Galdon Castle | Gaidon, Galadon, Galedon
A castle. [More]
Galeche | Porte Galesche
A city gate. [More]
Galede | Galide
A river. [More]
Galenice | Galeince, Galence
A castle. [More]
Gales | Gale, Gales Lithauz, Galet, Galez, Galles, Galoes, Galys, Glois, Walis, Walys, etc.
One location and two characters. [More]
- Gales - A variant spelling of Wales.
- Gales the Bald - A knight.
- Gales the Gay - A knight.
Galicia | Galice, Galise, Galys
A kingdom. [More]
Galigant | Galigans
A castle and town. [More]
Galilee | Galile
Region of Northern Israel. [More]
Galloway | Galeway, Galoee, Galvoie, Walweitha, Walweithe
One location and one character. [More]
- Galloway - A province.
- Galloway, King of - Uncle of Erec's.
Galone | Galnoye, Galonne, Galoyne, Les Marces de Galone, Outre les Marches de Galone, etc.
Two locations. [More]
- Galone - The marches.
- Galone, Outre les Marches de - The outer marches.
Galore | Coleri, Colorre, Gailore, Galoire, Galorre, Golorre, Lagloire
Two locations. [More]
- Galore - A kingdom.
- Galore, les Vals de - A valley.
Galway | Gallway, Galvoie
Two locations. [More]
- Galway - A region of Ireland.
- Galway - A castle.
Gamon | Ganion
A locality. [More]
Ganarew | Generth, Generon, Genereu
A castle. [More]
A river. [More]
A region. [More]
Two locations. [More]
- Ganis, Abbey of - An abbey.
- Ganis, Castle of - A castle.
Gannes | Gaines, Ganys, Gaunes, Gausnes, Gawnes
A land and the capital city. [More]
Ganves | Gamvis, Kanves
A land. [More]
A domain. [More]
A court. [More]
The Castle of the Uncourteous Lady.
A castle. [More]
A wilderness. [More]
Garles | Gales
A city. [More]
Garloth | Garelot, Garloc, Garlot
A kingdom, castle, or city. [More]
A domain. [More]
A valley. [More]
Garth Grugyn
A hill. [More]
Gasan | Garam, Gazan
A city. [More]
Gascony | Gascoigne, Gascoyne, Gaskoyne
Region of France. [More]
Gaste | Terre Gaste
Three locations. [More]
- Gaste Capiele - A chapel.
- Gaste Forest Soutaine - A forest.
- Gaste Terre - A realm.
Gaudin | Gaudins, Gauduins
Two characters and one location. [More]
- Gaudin - A region.
- Gaudin of the White Shield - A castellan.
- Gaudin the Brown of the Mountain - A knight.
Gaul | Galijus, Gallone, Gallya, Gaule, Gaulle, Gauloise, Gawl, Gawle
A Roman province. [More]
A city or castle. [More]
A land. [More]
Gaut | Castell of the Depe Slade, Chastel of the Deepe Slade, Chastel Val Parfont
Two locations. [More]
- Gaut Destroit - A city and castle.
- Gaut Parfont - A castle.
Lancelot's birthplace. [More]
Gay | Gais Chasteaus, Gais Galantis, Gay Galantin
One location and one character. [More]
- Gay Castle - A castle.
- Gay Gallant - A knight.
A castle. [More]
Gazewilte | Carewilte, Gaberwilte, Gaborwilte, Gaelicet, Galeince, Galenice, Galewilte, etc.
A Castle. [More]
A forest. [More]
A castle. [More]
Gennes | Genes
A land. [More]
Gennewis | Genewis
A realm. [More]
Genoa | Gene
A seaport. [More]
One location and one character. [More]
- Germany - A country.
- Germany, Emperor of - Father of Fenice.
An island. [More]
Giant | Coat of Kirtle, Giant's Rock, Jaians, Jaiant sans nom, Jaianz, Tour aux Geants
Four characters, one item and nine locations. [More]
- Giant - First rulers of Britain.
- Giant of Mont Saint Michel - In Brittany.
- Giant of Mont Saint Michel, Coat of the
- Giant of the Black Lowe - A giant.
- Giant's Cross - A monument.
- Giant's Dance - Stonehenge.
- Giant's Fountain - A spring.
- Giant's Isle - One of the Distant Isles.
- Giant's Knoll - A hill.
- Giant's Ring - Stonehenge.
- Giant's Rock - On the Island of Servage.
- Giant's Tower - Two locations.
- Giant of the Black Lowe - A giant.
- Giant without a Name - A giant.
A fairy land. [More]
A city. [More]
A country. [More]
A fortress. [More]
An enchanted place. [More]
Glait Castle
A castle. [More]
Glamorgan | Glamour, Glomorgan, Gwynllyg
A country. [More]
Glasgow | Glaschu, Glesca
A city. [More]
Glass Bridge
A bridge. [More]
Glastonbury | Glasenbury, Glashenburye, Glassthenbery, Glastonbery, Glastynbury, Glestingaburg
One character, five locations and two items. [More]
- Glastonbury - A town.
- Glastonbury Abbey and Church - An abbey.
- Glastonbury, Abbot of - Friend of Gildas.
- Glastonbury Cross - Arthur's grave cross.
- Glastonbury Grave - Arthur's resting place.
- Glastonbury Thorn - A tree.
- Glastonbury Tor - A hill.
- Glastonbury Zodiac - Giant figures.
Glay | Glannes, Urglay
An abbey. [More]
Glein | Glem, Gleni
A river. [More]
A place. [More]
A realm. [More]
A castle. [More]
Glevesing | Glywysing
A region. [More]
Gloeven | Gloant, Gloevant, Gloevent, Gloeventl, Gloovent, Gloucuen, Gloovent
A forest. [More]
A kingdom. [More]
Glorinde | Gelde, Gloride
A forest. [More]
Gloucester | Caer-Glou, Caer Loyw, Glevum, Gloucestre
A city. [More]
Glouchedon | Glacedon, Glevum, Glocedon, Glocedun, Gloceidon, Glocedoine, Glocedun, Glochedon
Castle. [More]
A port. [More]
Glyn Arthur
Literally 'Arthur's Glen'. [More]
Glynn Ystun
A region. [More]
A location. [More]
Godelonte | Gadelore, Godelonte Narrows, Godeloure, Godereile, de l'Ewe
A narrows. [More]
Godorson | Gadaine, Gadarre, Gadore, Godoare, Godoarre, Godosaire, Godorsone, Goidoure
A river. [More]
Gog and Magog | Goemagot, Gogmagog
Two giants. Or nations? [More]
A land. [More]
Castle. [More]
Golden | Golden Island, Ile d'Or
Two items, one location and two characters. [More]
- Golden Dragon - A standard.
- Golden Eagle - A standard.
- Golden Isle - An island and castle.
- Golden Ring, Youth with the - A knight.
- Golden-Tounged Knights - Three knights.
Gomeret | Gomere, Gomoret, Gomorret, Gomet, Gormeret, Goumere, Goumeret
One location and one character. [More]
- Gomeret - A land.
- Gomeret the Immoderate - A knight.
Good | Abbey of the Good Adventure, Biele Adventure, Bon Chevalier
Two locations and three characters. [More]
- Good Adventure - An abbey.
- Good Deed - A monastery.
- Good Knight - The Grail Hero.
- Good Knight Without Fear - Son of Esclanor.
- Good Soldier - Joseph of Arimathea.
Goothe | Gooth
Castle. [More]
Gore | Conte de Gorre, Due de Gor, Goirre, Gor, Gorre, Gors, Gourre
One location and one character. [More]
- Gore - A kingdom.
- Gore, Duke of - A traitor.
A forest. [More]
A city. [More]
A meeting place. [More]
Goss Moor
A moor. [More]
Got | Gher, Goth
A castle. [More]
Gothland | Gotland, Guthland, Gutland
Part of Arthur’s empire. [More]
A city or land. [More]
A domain. [More]
Grail | Graal, Graaus, Graaux, Gradale, Graï, Grasal, Greal, Grëaus, Sangradale, Sangreal
Four items, two locations, six characters and three events. [More]
- Grail - A mystical dish or cauldron.
- Grail Castle - Carbonek.
- Grail Family - Charged to protect the Grail.
- Grail Hero - A knight.
- Grail Keeper - Guardian of the Grail.
- Grail King - Leader of the Grail Family.
- Grail Kingdom - A land.
- Grail Knights - or Templars.
- Grail Legend, The - The Grail Quest.
- Grail Maiden - Part of the Grail Procession.
- Grail Procession - Not for everyone to see.
- Grail Question - Questions to ask the Fisher King.
- Grail Spear - The Bleeding Lance.
- Grail Sword - Part of the Grail Quest.
- Grail Table - Modeled after the table of the Last Supper.
Grande Disio
A palace. [More]
A territory. [More]
Grasslands and Giants
A land. [More]
A manor. [More]
Gray Stone | Llech Las
A location. [More]
Grazing Grounds | Grazing Fields, Land of the Grazing Grounds
A land. [More]
Two characters and one location. [More]
- Great Fool - A warrior.
- Great Goddess - A deity.
- Great Spirits Spring - A location.
Greece | Grece, Gresse
A country. [More]
Green | Bois Verdoyant, Busco Verdulant, Vert Chevalier
Four locations, three characters and one item. [More]
- Green Chapel - A chapel.
- Green Island - A realm.
- Green Knight - An alias.
- Green Knight - Son of Ironside.
- Green Knight - An alias.
- Green Meadow - A land.
- Green Wood - A castle.
- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - A poem.
Greenan Castle
A castle. [More]
Greenland | Kalaallit Nunaat
An island. [More]
A seaport. [More]
An island. [More]
Grotte d'Artus
A cave. [More]
A forest. [More]
Growing Lookout
A hill. [More]
A field. [More]
Guendebrot | Gonedebore, Gouendeliore, Gouuendeborre, Govendeliore, Jeudeborre
A place. [More]
Guienne | Gyane
A region. [More]
Guindoel | Gindiel, Granidel, Graniedel, Guidel, Ragindel, Raginel, Raguindel
Castle. [More]
Guinnon | Guinnion, Gurnion
A fortress. [More]
A castle. [More]
A castle. [More]
A location. [More]
A kingdom. [More]
A stopping place. [More]
Kingdom. [More]
A region. [More]
Gwynedd | Gwynned
A kingdom. [More]
A region. [More]
A realm. [More]