Places in the Arthurian Legends - S
One location and one character. [More]
- Sabie - Site of a tournament.
- Sabie - A maiden.
A river. [More]
Sabrina | Habren, Severn
A river. [More]
A city. [More]
Saint | Albon, Glynn Nathan, Menevia, Mynyw, Verulam
Nineteen locations and twelve characters. [More]
- Saint Aaron - A church.
- Saint Albans - Location of a battle.
- Saint Amphiball - A church.
- Saint Augustine - A Roman monk.
- Saint Augustine's Chapel - In the White Forest.
- Saint Bernard's Mount - Arthur killed a giant here.
- Saint Beund - A saint.
- Saint Cadoc - A Welsh saint.
- Saint Carannog - With a floating altar.
- Saint Cirre - A castle.
- Saint David's - A city in Wales.
- Saint Eglise - A saint.
- Saint Germanus - A saint.
- Saint Helena - A saint.
- Saint John - A church.
- Saint John, Valley of - In Britain.
- Saint John the Baptist - A biblical priest.
- Saint Kea - A saint.
- Saint Michael's Mount - In Cornwall.
- Saint Michael's Mount, Giant of - A vicious giant.
- Saint Michel, Mont - In France.
- Saint Michelsstein - A Cornish city.
- Saint Nectan's Glen - A forest near Tintagil.
- Saint Paul's Cathedral - In London.
- Saint Peter's - A nunnery.
- Saint Philipe - A saint.
- Saint Samson - Patron saint.
- Saint Samson Church - At Castle Dore.
- Saint Samson's Isle - Between Britain and Ireland.
- Saint Soffie - An abbey.
- Saint Stephen's Church - In Camelot.
Saintonge | Sentonge
An area. [More]
A city. [More]
Two locations. [More]
- Salie - A country.
- Salie - A castle.
Salisbury | Salabieres, Salebieres, Salesbieres, Salesbires, Salesbiri, Salesbury, Salisberi, etc.
Two locations. [More]
- Salisbury - A city.
- Salisbury Plain - Site of a battle.
A land. [More]
A seaport. [More]
A fortress. [More]
Santo Aloido
A city. [More]
Sanza Avventura | 'Without Adventure'
An island. [More]
Sapine | Sapinoie, Sarpenic, Sarpetine, Sarpine, Serpentine
Two locations. [More]
- Sapine, Castell of - A castle.
- Sapine, La - A forest.
A city. [More]
A castle. [More]
A kingdom. [More]
Sarpenic | Saperyne, Sarpenie, Sarpetine, Sarpine
A forest. [More]
Sarras | Sarache, Soleise?
One character and one location. [More]
- Sarras - Knight of the Round Table.
- Sarras - City and kingdom.
Satellie | le Gouffre de Sathenie, Satellege, Wolfsatellege
A point in the ocean. [More]
Savage | Royaume Sauvage, Valle Selvaggia
Two locations. [More]
- Savage Realm - A kingdom.
- Savage Valley - A valley.
Saxon Rock | Roche as Saisnes
An outpost. [More]
Saxony | Cessoigne, Saisoigne, Saissogne, Saissoigne, Sansoigne, Saxonia, Saxonye, Saxoyne, etc.
One location and two characters. [More]
- Saxony - Home of the Saxons.
- Saxony, Duke of - Father of Fenice.
- Saxony, Nephew of the Duke of - A messenger.
Italian variant for Shalott. [More]
Italian variant for Shalott. [More]
A city. [More]
Scarlet Cross
A landmark. [More]
A castle. [More]
Schanpfanzun | Schaffenzun
Capital city. [More]
Schatel le Mort | 'Castle of the Dead'
A castle. [More]
Scholes Bank
Site of a battle. [More]
A kingdom. [More]
Scilly, Isles of
Islands. [More]
A kingdom. [More]
One seat and one location. [More]
- Seat of Danger - Siege Perilous.
- Seat of Judgment - A chamber.
A fortress. [More]
Sein, Ile de
An island. [More]
A land. [More]
A castle. [More]
Sennan Holy Well
A well. [More]
A duchy. [More]
A country. [More]
Serpent | Fontana Serpilina
Two locations and three characters. [More]
- Serpent, le - Three characters.
- Serpent Fountain - In Cornwall.
- Serpent's Ditch - A deep pit.
A country. [More]
Servage, Isle of | 'Servitude'
An island or valley. [More]
Seven | Seavenshale, Sewing Shields
One character, one item and two locations. [More]
- Seven Kings of Cornwall - They helped Arthur.
- Seven-League Boots - Magical boots.
- Seven Roads - A heath and crossroads.
- Seven Shields, Castle of the - Where Arthur sleeps.
Severn, River | Afflurne, Habren, Hafren, de Lauernie, Sabrina, de Saone, Saonne, Savarne, etc.
The River Habren. [More]
A seaport. [More]
A location. [More]
Shady Valley | Valle Ombroso
A valley. [More]
Or Astolat. [More]
A forest. [More]
A city. [More]
Shoulsbarrow Castle
A fortress. [More]
Shrieking Marsh
At the Misty Lake. [More]
A land. [More]
Sicily | Secile, Sesile, Sezile, Suzile, Suzille, Zezile
An island. [More]
A castle. [More]
Siege | Perilous Seat, Seat of Danger, le Siege Perilleus, Siege Perilleux, Siege Redoutes, Sieges
Three items/locations. [More]
- Siege - The seats at the Round Table.
- Siege Perilous - A seat at the Round Table.
- Siege Redoutez - A seat at the Grail Table.
Silchester | Sylchestre
A city. [More]
Silva Caledoniae | 'Wood of Scotland' | Caledon, Caledonian Wood, Celyddon
A forest. [More]
One character, one location and two items. [More]
- Silver Leg, Man with the - A rich man.
- Silver Pipe, Fountain of the - Near Sir Damas' castle.
- Silver Shields, Three - Sent to Lancelot.
- Silver Table - In Carbonek.
Sindenort | Sindenart
A castle. [More]
Slaughter Bridge
Site of the Battle of Camlann. [More]
Small Charity | Abbey of the Small Charity, Help for the Poor, Telite
An abbey. [More]
Snowdon, Mount | Eryri, Snowden, Snowdonia, Synadoun, Synadowne, Yr Wyddfa Fawr
A mountain. [More]
A land. [More]
Soissons | Sessoine, Siesia, Soisse, Sosie, Suize
A kingdom. [More]
Soleise | Sarras?
Might be the Isle of Man. [More]
A city. [More]
Soltane | Waste Forest
A wilderness. [More]
A county. [More]
A land. [More]
A kingdom. [More]
Sorelois | Soleyse, Sorailes, Soreillois, Sorelais, Soreloes, Sorenlois, Sorlois, Sorloys, etc.
A kingdom. [More]
Sorestan | Eastland, Forestan, Foreston, Horeston, Soreston
A kingdom. See Eastland.
Sorgales | South-Wales, South Wales
A kingdom. [More]
A castle. [More]
Sorhaut | Soran, Sorant, Sorehaut, Sorham, Sorhan, Sorhaute, Sourchault, Sourehault
Capital. [More]
Soriano Sea
A sea. [More]
A kingdom. [More]
Sorrowful Fief
A monastery. [More]
Sotain Herbert
A castle. [More]
South | Sorgales, Sugales, Surgenale, Sutgales
Two locations and one character. [More]
- South Marches - Probably in Cornwall.
- South Marches, Duke of the - Enemy of Arthur.
- South Wales - Lower part of Wales.
A port. [More]
Spain | Espaigne, Espaingne, Espagne, Spayn, Spayne, Spyan
A country. [More]
A forest. [More]
Spiritual Palace | le Palais Espiritel, le Palais Espiriteux, Palais Spiritus
A palace. [More]
Spoletto | Spolet, Spoleto, Spolett
A city. [More]
Spring | Fontaine des Deux Sycamores
Five locations. [More]
- Spring of Healing - With healing powers.
- Spring of Marvels - Enchanted.
- Spring of the Pine - In a forest.
- Spring of the Virgin - A fountain.
- Spring of Two Sycamores - Guarded by a knight.
Steaming Path
A perilous trial. [More]
A castle. [More]
Stone | Perron de la Jaiande, Perron du Cerf
Five locations. [More]
- Stone Circle - At the Land's End.
- Stone Cross, Chapel of the - At a stone cross.
- Stone of Honor - An enchanted site.
- Stone of the Giant - A boulder.
- Stone of the Stag - A block of marble.
Stonehenge | Pierres Gros d'Ierlande
On Salisbury Plain. [More]
Stony Passage | Stony Pass
A mountain pass. [More]
Straight Marches
Different locations. [More]
Straits of Sorelois
Home of a giant. [More]
Strange | Chastel Estrange, Terre Foraine
Three locations. [More]
- Strange Castle - A fortress.
- Strange Island - Ruled by King Vagor.
- Strange Land - A kingdom.
A kingdom. [More]
A kingdom. [More]
Strong Rock | Rocca Forte
A fortress. [More]
A duchy. [More]
A region. [More]
Southern Wales. [More]
A mountain. [More]
Two locations. [More]
- Summer Country - A land.
- Summer Region - Ruled by Melwas.
Suret | Leverzerp
A castle. [More]
A region. [More]
Surluse | Sorlois
A kingdom. [More]
A county. [More]
Sussex | Southsex
A region. [More]
Or Wales. [More]
Sweden | Sweben, Swetherwike, Swethland
A country. [More]
Sword | Epee as Estranges Renges, l'Espee Carados, l'Espee de Galahad, Espee qui of Galehot, etc.
Nine items and one location. [More]
- Sword - Brought to the Fisher King.
- Sword Bridge - A perilous bridge.
- Sword in the Stone - Everyone knows this.
- Sword of Carados - Drian's sword.
- Sword of Galahad - From a floating stone.
- Sword of Galehot - Given to Bors.
- Sword of Resolve - Galahad mends it.
- Sword with the Strange Baldric - or Hangings.
- Sword of/with the Strange Hangings - A reward.
- Sword with the Two Rings - A magic sword.
A land. [More]
Sycamore, Heath of the
A location. [More]
Syria | de Sur, Surie, Surre
A country. [More]