Places in the Arthurian Legends - C
Three locations. [More]
- Cadbury - A castle.
- Cadbury-Camelot - A theory.
- Cadbury Hill - A hill.
Caellus | Kaelluz
A city. [More]
Caen | Caiam, Came
Kay died in the Roman war and was buried there. [More]
Caer | 'Fortress of Carousal', etc. | Caer Feddwid, Caergai etc.
Nineteen locations. [More]
- Caer Brythwch - A city.
- Caer Calemion - Perhaps Camelot?
- Caer Dathal-Math - Home of some of Arthur’s warriors.
- Caer Fanddwy - An alternate name for Annwn.
- Caer Feddwid - A nickname for Annwn.
- Caer Gai - A place where Arthur was raised.
- Caer Goludd - An alternate name for Annwn.
- Caer Greu - Peredur and Gwrgi were killed here.
- Caer Llundein - London.
- Caer Nefenhyr Nine-Teeth - A city.
- Caer Ochren - An alternate name for Annwn.
- Caer Oeth - A city.
- Caer Pedryfran - A nickname for Annwn.
- Caer Rigor - An alternative name for the Fort of Carousal.
- Caer Se - A city.
- Caer Seint - The Roman fort of Segontium.
- Caer Siddi - The Otherworld Fort of Carousal.
- Caer Vandwy - A castle.
- Caer Wydyr - A glass fort.
Caerlaverlock | 'Fort Lark'
A harbour. [More]
Caerleon | Caer Llion, Caerleon-on-Usk, Caerlion, Carlion, etc.
A city. [More]
Caerliudcoit | Lindocolinum
A city. [More]
A city and bay in Gwynedd. [More]
A section of a kingdom. [More]
Caichester | Kaichester
A city. [More]
A city. [More]
Caithness | Caitnes, Gallaibh
Region of Scotland. [More]
Caitis, Tertre as
See Druas' Hill.
Calabria | Kalabrois
One of Arthur’s courts. [More]
Calamine Valley | Galamine
A valley. [More]
Home of Persidos. [More]
Calcydon | Calcedoyne, Calcidoine, Calidoine
A Mediterranean kingdom. [More]
Caledon | Aledon, Caledonia, Caledoniae, etc.
Two locations. [More]
- Caledon - An ancient name for Scotland.
- Caledon Wood - Site of a battle.
Caleph | Kaleph
A castle. [More]
Caleque | Kalec
A castle. [More]
A town. [More]
One of the places that has been connected with Kelliwic. [More]
A forest. [More]
Cam | 'Crooked'
A river. [More]
See Camelot.
Cambenet | Cambenic
Territory. [More]
Cambenic | Ambenic, Cambanyk, Cambenec, Cambenek, Cambenet, etc.
A duchy. [More]
A Roman fort on Hadrian's Wall. [More]
An ancient name for Wales. [More]
A city. [More]
Camel | Camal
One location and one character. [More]
- Camel - A river.
- Camel - A knight.
A town. [More]
Cameliard | Camelide, Camilyard, Carmalide, Carmelide, etc.
A country. [More]
A location in Scotland. [More]
Camelot | Camalahot, Camalat, Camallate, Camalot, Camelotto, etc.
Three locations. [More]
- Camelot - Arthur's capital.
- Camelot - A valley and castle.
- Camelot Forest - A wood.
Camengues | Camugnes, Caraigues, Taumdes, Tamingres
A castle or country. [More]
Camlann | Cambala, Camball, Camblan, Cambul, etc.
The site of Arthur's third and final battle. [More]
Camlet Moat
A small isle. [More]
Campacorentin | Camparcorentin, Campercorantin, Campercorentin, etc.
A forest. [More]
A castle. [More]
Canguin | Chanpguin, Roche de Canguin, Sanguin
One location and one character. [More]
- Canguin Rock - A castle.
- Canguin, Ferryman of - He ferried visitors.
Canoel | Canvel
A capital city. [More]
Canterbury | Cantorber, Cantorbile, Cantorbire, Cantorbyre, etc.
One location and one character. [More]
- Canterbury - A cathedral city.
- Canterbury, Archbishop of - Related to Guinevere.
A wasteland. [More]
A city. [More]
Cappadocia | Capados
An ancient kingdom. [More]
A capital city. [More]
Carabel | Charabel, Karabel, Tarabel, Tarabiel
A castle. [More]
A castle. [More]
A wasteland. [More]
Carahes | Caraes, Charahes
A location, probably a city. [More]
Caranges | Carenge, Carenges, Coraignes, Coranges, Corenge, etc.
King Angusel’s capital. [More]
Carbonek | Corlenot, Corben, Corbenic, Corbenich, Corbeniche, etc.
The Grail Castle. [More]
Carcelois | Carceloys, Cartelois, Carteloyse, Cartolius, Catheloys, Chartelos
One location and one character. [More]
- Carcelois - A castle.
- Carcelois - A Grail King.
A city. [More]
Cardiff | Caerdif, Cardef, Caerdydd, Caerdyv, Kardyval
Arthur held court in this city. [More]
Cardigan | Caradigan, Cardican, Kardigan, Karidagan
Castle. [More]
Cardueil | Cardef, Cardeuyle, Caerdyv, Cardiff, Cardel, etc.
Arthur's residence. [More]
A castle. [More]
Carhaix | Camaheu, Carahaix, Carahan, Carahes, Caraheu, etc.
A city. [More]
A building near Castle Dore. [More]
Carlion, or Carlyon
See Caerleon.
Carlisle | Cardoile, Carlele, Carlile, Carlle, Carlill, etc.
One location and two characters. [More]
- Carlisle - A court city.
- Carlisle, Carl of - A giant and nobleman.
- Carlisle, Suffragan of - A bishop.
Carmarthen | Caerfyrddin, Caerfyrddyn, Maridunum
A city. [More]
Carmelide | Cameliard, Camelide, Camilyard, etc.
See Cameliard.
Carn | Cairn Cabal
Three locations. [More]
- Carn Arthur - A carn with a stone thrown by Arthur.
- Carn Cabal - With the mark of Cabal's paw.
- Carn Gwylathyr - A mountain.
Carnant | Karnant
Capital and chief castle. [More]
Carnedd | 'The Giant's Carn' | Carned Arthur
Two locations. [More]
- Carnedd Arthur - Folklore says it's Arthur's grave.
- Carnedd y Cawr - Alternative name for Yr Wyddfa Fawr.
Carnisy | Camoisin, Camoisson, Camousin, Camoysin, Carnisin
A castle. [More]
Carolhaise | Careiaise, Caroaise, Carohaise, Carohaize, Carohase, Caroiaise, etc.
A capital city. [More]
Two locations. [More]
- Carreg Coetan Arthur - A cromlech.
- Carreg Meibion Arthur - Marks of graves.
A region of southwest Scotland. [More]
A province. [More]
Cart | La Carete, Charete, Charete de la Nain, Chariot, Charite, Charrette, Charroie, etc.
One item, one location and one character. [More]
- Cart - Used for transportation.
- Cart Castle - A castle.
- Cart, Dwarf of the - Lancelot got a ride with him.
Carteloise | Canteloi, Carcelois, Carchelois, Cartelois, Karelois
Two locations. [More]
- Carteloise Castle - Earl Hernox's estate.
- Carteloise Forest - With a white hart and lions.
Carthage | Cartages
A city. [More]
Carvain | Karvain
Home of Queen Guenloie. [More]
A town and possibly a fort. [More]
Castel | Castle of Most Ill Adventure, Chastel de Pesme Aventure, etc.
Three locations. [More]
- Castel del Molin - A castle.
- Castel del Trespas - A castle.
- Castel of the Hevy Sorow A castle.
Castell Syberw | 'Proud Castle'
A castle. [More]
Castile | Castille
A kingdom. [More]
Castle | Chastel Tenebreus, Castle Dore, etc.
Seventy locations. [More]
- Castle Adventurous - A palace within Carbonek.
- Castle Blank - A castle.
- Castle Bliant - A castle.
- Castle-an-Dinas - A large Celtic hill fort.
- Castle, Chains - A fortress.
- Castle Dangerous - Dame Lyonors' residence.
- Castle, Dark - A castle.
- Castle de la Fleche - A castle.
- Castle Dor - An earthwork fort.
- Castle Eden - A village.
- Castle Field - A hill fort.
- Castle Flatting - A castle.
- Castle Gwyretheyrn - A castle.
- Castle Helyn - A castle.
- Castle Hutton - A castle.
- Castle Joyous - A fortress.
- Castle Key - An earthwork.
- Castle of Boys - An island castle.
- Castle of Case - A castle.
- Castle of Death - A castle.
- Castle of Elms - A castle.
- Castle of Enchantments - A castle.
- Castle of Joy - The Grail Castle.
- Castle of Ladies - Greomar's castle.
- Castle of Maidens - Three locations.
- Castle of Marvels - A castle.
- Castle of Nestor - A castle.
- Castle of Souls - The Grail Castle.
- Castle of Tears - A castle.
- Castle of Ten Knights - A strong castle.
- Castle of Ten Maidens - Geogenant's castle.
- Castle of the Ball - A manor near Cambenic.
- Castle of the Beards - A fortress.
- Castle of the Borderlands - Gawain fought here.
- Castle of the Deadly Bed - A castle.
- Castle of the Door - A castle visited by Gawain.
- Castle of the Enchantress - Two locations.
- Castle of the Fens - A castle.
- Castle of the Four Stones - A castle.
- Castle of the Galleys - A seaside castle.
- Castle of the Giants - A fortress.
- Castle of the Griffins - A fortress.
- Castle of the Guard - A castle.
- Castle of the Hard Rock - A castle.
- Castle of the Horn
- Two locations. - Castle of the Lake - A castle.
- Castle of the Marsh - A castle.
- Castle of the Mills - A group of mills in Ireland.
- Castle of the Moors - An Irish castle.
- Castle of the Most Ill Adventure - A castle.
- Castle of the Mountain - A castle.
- Castle of the Pass - A castle in Cornwall.
- Castle of the Plain - A fortress.
- Castle of the Rock - A castle.
- Castle of the Thorn - A castle.
- Castle of the Two Sisters - A castle.
- Castle of the Uncourteous Lady - A castle.
- Castle of the Whale - An island castle.
- Castle of Three Maidens - A castle.
- Castle Orguelleus - A castle.
- Castle Perilous - A castle.
- Castle Rushen - A castle.
- Castle Sauf - A castle.
- Castle Treacherous - A pagan castle.
- Castle Vortigern - A castle.
- Castle without a Name - A castle.
Castleford | Legiolium
A town. [More]
Cat Coit Celidon
Site of one of Arthur's battles. [More]
A region in Spain. [More]
A duchy. [More]
Site of a battle. [More]
A mountain range. [More]
A castle. [More]
A shorter form of Escavalon.
One folklore and one location. [More]
- Cave Legend - King Arthur is asleep in an enchanted cave.
- Cave of Lovers - A grotto.
Cavershall | Caverswall
A castle. [More]
A burial chamber. [More]
A lake. [More]
Celibe | Caleise, Celybe, Chelibe, Collybe, Seloude, Tibise
A forest. [More]
Celice | Celise, Colice
One character and one location. [More]
- Celice - A damsel of the Lady of the Lake.
- Celice - A river in the forest of Darnantes in Britain.
Celidon | Calidon
One character and one location. [More]
- Celidon - King of Greece.
- Celidon Wood - A wood to the north of Lincoln.
Celis | Celys
A castle. [More]
A city. [More]
Cell-y-Dewiniaid | 'The Grove of the Magicians'
A grove of oak trees. [More]
Celliwig | Calliwith, Celliwic, Celliwith, Kelliwig
A capital. [More]
Variant of both Celliwig and Kelliwic.
Cellydon | Celyddon
Ancient Welsh name for Scotland. [More]
Celtic Church
Term applied to the Church of Britain, Ireland and Brittany. [More]
A stream. [More]
Location in Britain. [More]
Cerrig | 'The Stones of Arthur's Knights'
Two locations. [More]
- Cerrig Marchogion - A group of standing stones in Dyfed.
- Cerrig Meibion Arthur - Two standing stones.
A forest. [More]
A town. [More]
Chains Castle
A fortress. See Castle, Chains.
Chalice Well, The
Located at Glastonbury Tor. [More]
Region of France. [More]
Champayne | Champagne, Guienne
A region in France. [More]
Changing Colors, Fountain of
Located near La Tour Quarée. [More]
See Canguin, Rock of.
Chapel | Capele la Fontaine Boillant, Chapel of the Demon
Nine locations. [More]
- Chapel, Desolate - Located on a mountain.
- Chapel of St. Augustine - A chapel.
- Chapel of the Black Hand - A chapel.
- Chapel of the Boiling Well - A chapel.
- Chapel of the Conjuration - A fiend.
- Chapel of the Lances - A church.
- Chapel of the Stone Cross - An old chapel.
- Chapel, Perilous - In the Perilous Cemetery.
- Chapel, Perilous - A chapel.
Chariot | Cart, Charroie, Charyot
Castle. [More]
Charity of Our Lady
A religious house. [More]
Charosque | Carasche, Charosche, Tarasque, Torasche
A castle. [More]
Charroie | Carroc, Carroie, Carroye, Chariot, Charroc, Charrot, Charroye, Charyot
A castle. [More]
A city. [More]
Chastel | Chastel as Pucheles
Twelve locations. [More]
- Chastel - Several locations.
- Chastel, Dames As or Chastel as Pucheles - Two castles.
- Chastel de Greomar - A castle.
- Chastel del Cor - A castle.
- Chastel de l'Espine - A castle.
- Chastel de l'Estroite Marche - A castle.
- Chastel de l'Estroite Voie - Scribal error.
- Chastel de la Mort - A castle.
- Chastel de la Tor Perrine - A castle.
- Chastel du Pre - A castle.
- Chastel en Gaule - A castle.
- Chastel Marte - A castle.
Two locations. [More]
- Château de la Charette - The castle of the Queen of Sorestan.
- Château de Morgan Le Fee, Le - A mirage.
Location of a natural spring. [More]
One location and two items. [More]
- Chessboard Castle - A fortress.
- Chessboard - A magical chessboard.
- Chessboard, Floating - Owned by King Wonder.
Chester | Caerlegion, Caerlleon, Caistor, Chestre, Deva
A court city. [More]
Chinon | Kinon
A city and castle. [More]
A town. [More]
Two locations [More]
- Church of the Deaths - In Lyonesse.
- Church of the Tombs - Visited by Lancelot.
Cicaverne | Cavernel, Ticaveme, Ticaverne, Tincaveme, Tincaverne, etc.
A castle. [More]
A castle. [More]
Cil | Kelcoed
One character and one location. [More]
- Cil Coed - Father of Llwyd.
- Cil-y-Coed - A forest.
Circular Valley
A valley. [More]
Cirenchester | Cirencester
Location. [More]
A land. [More]
Cist Arthur
A burial chamber. [More]
City | Citee of Nameles, Cite Sans Non, Citié sanz Non, The Nameless City
Three locations. [More]
- City of Souls - A city.
- City of the Legion(s) - Scene of a battle.
- City Without a Name - A city.
A town. [More]
Clarence | Clarance, Clarans, Clarenche, Clarens
A city or duchy. [More]
Clas Myrddin
An early name of England. [More]
Clear Fountain of Love | Clere Fonteine d'Amors
A fountain. [More]
A city. [More]
See under Deuee, La Tertre.
Clogwyn Carnedd yr Wydffa | 'The Precipice of the Carn Yr Wydffa'
A cairn. [More]
A land. [More]
Two locations. [More]
- Cluse - A mountain.
- Cluse - A land.
Coetan Arthur
A round barrow. [More]
Col du Chat | 'Cat's Neck'
Near Lake Bourget. [More]
Colchester | Camulodunum, Doleceste, Kaercolun
A city. [More]
A sea. [More]
A castle. [More]
Cologne | Coloigne, Coloine
A city. [More]
A field. [More]
Combe | Escombes
A forest. [More]
A French land. [More]
A place in the Forest of Broceliande. [More]
Compostela | Composterne
A Spanish land. [More]
An Irish country. [More]
Conisbrough | Cunungeberg, Kaerconan
A castle. [More]
"Conjuration, Chapel of the"
A fiend was conjured here. See "Chapel of the Conjuration".
Conlotebre | Conlouzebre, Zelegebres
A city. See Talebre.
Connacht | Connaught, Cúige Chonnacht
An Irish province. [More]
Constantinople | Byzantium, Constantinenoble, Costentineoble, etc.
One location and one character. [More]
- Constantinople - Capital city.
- Constantinople, Empress of - Owner of a magical stone.
Copper Tower
A monolith. [More]
A forest. [More]
Cordova | Cordewa
A city. [More]
Cork | Corque
A country in Ireland. [More]
A castle. [More]
Corneto | Cornette
A city or land. [More]
Cornouaille | Cornevalle, Cornewaile, Cornewayle, Cornoaille, etc.
French Cornwall. [More]
Cornwall. [More]
Cornwall | Cornewaile, Cornewall, Cornewalle, etc.
A region of Britain. [More]
One location and one character. [More]
- Cors - A castle or country.
- Cors Hundred Claws - A warrior.
A castle. [More]
Cotoatre | Cotatre, Cotovatre, Scottewatre
Trebuchet's home. [More]
A mount. [More]
Crasine | Clarysyn
City in Lorraine. [More]
A location in Kent. [More]
Crenefort | Crenefar
A castle. [More]
An island. [More]
Crimson Heath
Home of Fortimes. [More]
A castle. [More]
Cross | Crois
Three locations. [More]
- Cross - A hermitage.
- Cross - A location.
- Cross of the Fountain - A landmark.
Hermitage. [More]
Crossroads | Heath of the Crossroads
One location and one character. [More]
- Crossroads - A heath.
- "Crossroads, Damsel of the" - A damsel.
A castle. [More]
Crystal Isle | Island of Glass
Realm of Lord Moloas. [More]
Cubele | Noble, Tubele, Tubelle
Castle. [More]
Kingdom. [More]
Monastery. [More]
A region of Britain. [More]
Cummock | Cummingham
A region of Scotland. [More]
A fountain. [More]
Two locations. [More]
- Cwm Cawlwyd - A glen.
- Cwm Cerwyn - A valley or glen.
A place. [More]
Cyprus | Chipre, Cipre, Cypirs, Cypres, Cyprese, Syprus
Mediterranean nation. [More]