Places in the Arthurian Legends - L
La | Flot de Mer, La Rocele, La Roche, La Rochelle au flot de mer, The Roche Flodomer, etc.
Six locations. [More]
- La Beale Regard - A castle.
- La Chaucie Galesce - A passage.
- La Choine - A castle.
- La Rochelle - A city.
- La Sapinoie - A forest.
- La Tour Quarée - A castle.
Lac | 'Lac of the Greater Orkney' | Ilax, Lach, Lais, Lake, Lays
Six characters and one location. [More]
- Lac - Erec's father.
- Lac - Father of Sir Cligés.
- Lac - A spring.
- Lac - King of Great India.
- Lac - King of Greater Orkney.
- Lac - Son of Erec and Enide.
- Lac - Yvain's brother.
Lacen | Lacene
A forest. [More]
Lady | Lile of Avalon, La Dame Gauloise, La Dame Riche et Poissans, etc.
Twenty-four characters and one location. [More]
- Lady - Eight characters.
- Lady Chapel - In Glastonbury.
- Lady Lile of Avelon - Might be an enchantress.
- Lady Leech of Cornwall - Leech or surgeon.
- Lady Lore - A lady.
- Lady of Gaul - From Gaul.
- Lady of Malahaut - Ruler of a town.
- Lady of Rich Fish - She gave shelter.
- Lady of Roestoc - A lady.
- Lady of Shalott - Elaine.
- Lady of the Blanche Mores - A lady.
- Lady of the Blonde Hair - Arthur’s fairy paramour.
- Lady of the Deadly Bed - Lancelot and Gawain was brought here.
- Lady of the Fountain - Wife of the Lord of the Fountain.
- Lady of the Inhospitable Land Upheld - A lady.
- Lady of the Isles - Queen of the Kingdom of the Isles.
- Lady of the Lake - Mysterious lady/ladies.
- Lady of the Lands - Cousin of Anguish of Ireland.
- Lady of the Roche Land - A lady.
- Lady of the Rock - A lady.
- Lady of the Rule - Mother of Alyne.
- Lady of the Tor - She gave shelter.
- Lady of the White Guard - Relations of Lancelot.
- Lady of the White Palfrey - Spoke to Arthur.
- Lady Without Pride - Sister of Morgan le Fay.
A forest. [More]
Lake | Dame del Lac, Damoisele del Lac, Damsel of the Lake, Lac as Jumeles, Lach, Lais, etc.
Two characters and eight locations. [More]
- Lake Bourget - A lake.
- Lake Diana - A lake.
- Lake District - A region.
- Lake, King of the - A knight.
- Lake, Lady of the - A mysterious lady.
- Lake Lomond
- A lake. - Lake of Idleness - A residence.
- Lake of the Beast - A lake.
- Lake of Twins - Homeland of Meriadeuc.
- Lake, The - Here dwelt the Lady [or Damsel] of the Lake
Lalut | Laluth
One location and one character. [More]
- Lalut - A fortress and a town.
- Lalut, Count of - Enide's uncle.
Lamaine | Lamingue, Laungne, Lauungue
A location. [More]
Birthplace of Frollo. [More]
Lambale | Lambal, Lamball, Lambayle, Lambele, Lambelle
A land. [More]
Lambeth | Lambehythe
A town. [More]
Lambor | Labain, Labran, Lambar, Lambart, Lamborc, Lambort, Lambord, Lanbor, Lanborc
One character and one location. [More]
- Lambor - A castle.
- Lambor - King of Terre Foraine or Logres.
Lambrion | Lambrions
A castle. [More]
A region. [More]
Lancaster | Leescestre, Leycestre, Lincestre
A city. [More]
Lancelot | Ancalot, Galahad, Galahos, Lanç, Lançarote, Lanceloet, Lancelos del Lac, Lancelott, etc.
Three characters, one item and one location. [More]
- Lancelot de la Blance Terre - Grandfather of Sir Lancelot.
- Lancelot of the Lake - A knight.
- Lancelot's "Foreign" Hosts - A vavasour.
- Lancelot's Ring - Given by a fairy.
- Lancelot's Tower - Near Gore.
Lances, Chapel of the
See Chapel of the Lances.
Lancien | Lantayn, Lantyan, Lencien
The place of Mark's residence. [More]
Land | Landes del Cor, La Terre Deserte, Over the Borders of Galone
Nine locations. [More]
- Land Beyond the Borders of Galone - Aland.
- Land From Which No One Returned - A kingdom.
- Land Laid Waste - A region.
- Land of Giants - A country.
- Land of Maidens - Location of the castle Rohur.
- Land of Pastures and Giants - Rience's realm.
- Land of the Grazing Grounds - A kingdom.
- Land of the Horn - Ruled by the Lord of the Horn.
- Land that Tristan Freed - A valley or island.
Lande del Quarefors, La | Quareforc
Heath. [More]
Landemore | Landesmores, Landemeure
A castle and land. [More]
A city. [More]
Landone | Landoine, Landoyne
A forest. [More]
Landsdown Hill
Site of a battle. [More]
One character and one location. [More]
- Laner - Knight of the Round Table.
- Laner - In southwest Scotland.
A castle. [More]
A city. [More]
Languedoc | Landok, Langueduk
A region. [More]
An abbey. [More]
Formerly called Lancien. [More]
Home of Cardoas. [More]
A city. [More]
Lanvernis | Lanerv, Lannerieur, Lauvernis
A city. [More]
Lanverunz | Lanveranz
A land. [More]
Lanyon Quoit
A stone structure. [More]
Lapland | Lappland
A region. [More]
A city. [More]
A lake. [More]
Lausanne | le Chat de Losane
A lake. [More]
Lawenor | Lavanor, Lavenor, Levanor
A castle. [More]
A location. [More]
Le | 'The Badly Cut Coat', 'The Forbidden Hill' | Le Tertre Desvoye, Le Tertre Devee
Three characters, three locations and one item. [More]
- Le - Knight of the Round Table.
- Le Brief - A scroll.
- Le Cote Male Tailée - Nickname given to Breunor.
- Le Mans - A city.
- Le Noir Chevalier Fae - A knight.
- Le Puis de Malohaut - A town.
- Le Tertre Deuee - A fortress.
Leicester | Leyccer
A city. [More]
A continent. [More]
Homeland of Wigamur. [More]
A region. [More]
A field. [More]
Leprous Lady
One character and one location. [More]
- Leprous Lady - With a custom.
- Leprous Lady, Castle of the - A castle.
A castle. [More]
A castle. [More]
Leu Estrange | Estrangot
See Isle Estrange.
A tournament location. [More]
Leverzep | Laverep, Leverop, Leverserp, Leverzep, Leverzerp, Levezerp, Lonazep, Lonezep, etc.
One location and one character. [More]
- Leverzep - A castle.
- Leverzep, Damsel of - Rescued by Lancelot.
Li Gweiz Prelljus
A ford. [More]
A desert. [More]
Libya | Libe, Lubee, Lybee, Lybia, Lyby
A kingdom. [More]
Licat Anir | Licat Amr
Amr's burial place. [More]
Liddington Castle
A castle. [More]
Town and castle. [More]
A castle. [More]
Limerick | Limeri
Capital. [More]
A city. [More]
A city. [More]
Limors | 'Death' | Liimors, Limwris
Two locations. [More]
- Limors - A town.
- Limors - A castle.
Limousin | Limosin
A region. [More]
A town. [More]
A castle. [More]
Lindisfarne | Holy Island of Saint Cuthberg, Medgaud
See Medgaud.
Lindsey | Linnuis, Lindsege
A region. [More]
Linligwan | Llyn Lliwan
A lake. [More]
Scene of battles. [More]
Linthcamus | Lintheamus
Site of a monastery. [More]
Lion | Lion corone de Libe, Lyon
Five characters and one location. [More]
- Lion - The animal.
- Lion - Prince of Namur.
- Lion - The animal.
- Lion of Libya, Crowned - The animal.
- Lion of the Fountain - A Cornish fountain.
- Lion the Merciless - Owner of a parrot.
Liones | Elionois, Leonois, Lyoness
A kingdom. [More]
A waste land. [More]
A castle. [More]
Lis | Liz
A castle. [More]
Listenois | Lestenois, Listenoise, Listinois, Listonei, Listoneis, Lystenois, etc.
A kingdom. [More]
A castle. [More]
Little | Petit Chevalier, Maiden with the Small Sleeves
Two locations and four characters. [More]
- Little Britain - Brittany.
- Little Ireland - Ruled by King Yon.
- Little King - Nickname of Guivret the Small.
- Little Knight - A dwarfish knight.
- Little Piebald Palfrey - A horse.
- Little Sleeves, Maid with - A young girl.
A kingdom. [More]
A kingdom. [More]
Resting place. [More]
Two locations. [More]
- Llancarfan - A town.
- Llancarfan Abbey - An abbey.
A location. [More]
Resting place. [More]
A location. [More]
A church. [More]
Lligwy Cromlech | Arthur's Quoit
A stone structure. [More]
Lloegr | Lloegyr
Ancient Welsh name for England. [More]
Location of a battle. [More]
Llwch | Llawwynnawg
Two locations and one character. [More]
- Llwch Ewin - A lake.
- Llwch Lleminawc - A warrior.
- Llwch Tawy - A lake.
A county or city. [More]
Welsh name for Scandinavia. [More]
Six locations. [More]
- Llyn Barfog - A lake.
- Llyn Eiddwen - A lake.
- Llyn Llech Owen - A pool.
- Llyn Llyw - A lake.
- Llyn Ogwen - A lake.
- Llyn yr Afanc - A pool.
An early name for England. [More]
Early name for Lothian. [More]
Logres | Logereis, Logris, Logroys, Londres, Longres, Lugereis, Nogres
Two locations. [More]
- Logres - England.
- Logres - A city.
Loire | Leire, Leue, Leyer, Loirre
A river. [More]
Lombardy | Lombardie
A region. [More]
Lomond | Lumine, Lumond
A loch. [More]
London | Caer Lludd, Caer Lundein, Caer-Lundene, Laidon, Londen, Londres, Londrez, Lounde, etc.
Three locations. [More]
- London - Capital city.
- London Bridge - A location.
- London Cathedral - A church.
Londres | Londen, London, Londrez, Lounde, Lunden, Lundres
Two locations and one character. [More]
- Londres - Capital.
- Londres - Variation of London.
- Londres - A king.
Loneley Forest
A forest. [More]
Long Isles, The | District Isles, Long Islands
A kingdom. [More]
A city. [More]
Longueson | Longe Fain, Longueles
A city. [More]
Lonvego | Lonege, Longue, Lovege, Nolego
A forest. [More]
A land. [More]
Lorraine | Loreyn
A region. [More]
Lost | Citié Perdue, Isle Perdue, Roche Perdue
Four locations. [More]
- Lost Bridge - In Gore.
- Lost City - A city.
- Lost Island - An island.
- Lost Rock - A castle.
Lothian | Leoneis, Leoneys, Leonis, Leonois, Leonoys, Lodien, Lodient, Lodonesia, Loenois, etc.
A realm. [More]
A city. [More]
Loudun Hill
A region. [More]
Lovedon | Gloacedon, Gloucedon, Lendon
A plain. [More]
Löver | Lover
A kingdom. [More]
Low Spring
A fountain. [More]
Lower Islands
A kingdom. [More]
A city. [More]
Ludenoit | Fin de Mort, Suideuort
A chastel. [More]
Luisance | Nuisance
Capital city. [More]
Ancient name of London. [More]
Luogo Franco | 'French Room'
A palace. [More]
A castle. [More]
A town. [More]
A plain. [More]
Luxembourg | Lusheburgh, Luxemburg
The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. [More]
A version of London. [More]
A castle. [More]
One location and one character. [More]
- Lyle - Name of the home of several knights.
- Lyle - A lady.
A castle. [More]
Lyonesse | Liones, Lyoness, Lyonnesse
One character and two locations. [More]
- Lyonesse - Sister of Lynette.
- Lyonesse - An island nation.
- Lyonesse Castle - On the border.
A city. [More]