Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Gloucestershire is a county located in the south west region of England. It is bordered by Bristol, Somerset, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire, Worcestershire, and Herefordshire.

Gloucestershire | 0 to the 9th century AD

Roman Period | 1st – 5th centuries
Gloucestershire, situated in the Roman province of Britannia, was part of the Roman Empire during this time. The Romans established settlements and infrastructure, including the town of Corinium, modern-day Cirencester, which was an important Roman center.

Anglo-Saxon Settlement | 5th – 9th centuries
With the decline of Roman influence and the withdrawal of Roman legions in the early fifth century, Anglo-Saxon tribes migrated to and settled in various parts of Britain, including Gloucestershire. The area became part of the Kingdom of Mercia, one of the powerful Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.

Kingdom of Mercia
Gloucestershire was within the territory of Mercia, and the kingdom’s influence extended across much of the Midlands. Mercia played a significant role in the political landscape of Anglo-Saxon England, and its rulers, such as King Penda, were key figures in the early medieval period.

During the seventh century, Christianity began to spread in the region. The establishment of monasteries and churches played a vital role in the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons to Christianity.

Viking Raids | 8th – 9th centuries
Like many areas in England, Gloucestershire experienced Viking raids during the eighth and ninth centuries. The Vikings targeted monasteries and settlements along rivers. The region would have been affected by the broader historical shifts and conflicts of the Viking Age.

Battle of Cirencester | Early 9th century
In the early ninth century, the Battle of Cirencester is mentioned in historical sources. It is associated with a conflict between the Mercians and the West Saxons. The details of the battle and its precise location are not well-documented, and historical accounts from this period can be limited and subject to interpretation.