Nightbringer | The Arthurian Online Encyclopedia


Latin: Lindum

Lincoln is a historic city located in Lincolnshire, England

As to Arthurian connections, Lincoln is cited as the birthplace of AndredTristan’s cousin and a resident at Mark’s court. It is also used as a surname for Tom a’Lincoln (“Tom of Lincoln”), the Red Rose Knight, the illegitimate son of Arthur and Angelica.

However, Lincoln is possibly best known in connection with Cat Coit Celidon, a wood slightly to the north of the city that is cited by Nennius as the location of one of Arthur’s battles, at which Arthur and Hoel defeated the Saxon hordes. It is possible that this battle is cognate with the Battle of Caledon Wood.

Lincoln | 0 to 800 AD

Roman Period | 1st to 5th centuries AD
The area that would become Lincoln was originally inhabited by the Celts before the Roman conquest of Britain. The Romans established a settlement known as Lindum Colonia around 50 AD. It was a significant Roman town and included a fortress.

Decline and End of Roman Rule | 5th century AD
As the Western Roman Empire faced external pressures and internal decline, the Roman presence in Britain waned. By the early fifth century, Roman control over Britain was diminishing, and Roman troops withdrew, leaving the province vulnerable to incursions by various Germanic and Celtic groups.

Anglo-Saxon and Viking Invasions | 5th to 9th centuries AD
Following the Roman departure, the Anglo-Saxons began to settle in England, including in the Lincolnshire region. They established their own kingdoms and villages.

In the late eighth and ninth centuries, Vikings (often referred to as Norsemen) from Scandinavia launched raids and eventually established control over parts of England, including Lincolnshire. The Danelaw, a Viking-dominated region, included parts of Lincolnshire and influenced local governance and culture.

Early Christianization
During this period, the spread of Christianity in England gained momentum. Christian communities and churches began to emerge in Lincoln and its surroundings.

Historia Regum Britanniae | Geoffrey of Monmouth, c. 1138
Roman de Brut | Wace, c. 1155