Step into the realm of Arthurian events, where the echoes of ancient battles, tournaments, and quests resound through the corridors of time. From the grandeur of Camelot’s tournaments to the harrowing trails of the Quest for the Holy Grail, each event bears witness to the valor, intrigue, and romance that define the Arthurian saga.

Experience the fateful clash of arms att the Battle of Camlann, where King Arthur and his loyal knights face their ultimate reckoning. Witness the haunting specter of the Wild Hunt as it rides across the midnight sky, heralding potents of doom and destiny.
Explore the mysteries of the Dolorous Stroke and other enigmatic occurrences that shape the course of Arthurian legend, weaving a tapestry of myth and magic that captivates the imagination.
Adventure of the Hart
A non-Arthurian adventure. [More]
Nine adventures. [More]
Arthurian Clubs
Clubs and societies around the world. [More]
Forty-one battles.
- Battle of Aneblayse
- Battle of Arfderydd
- Battle of Arthuret
- Battle of Badon Hill
- Battle of Bamber Bridge
- Battle of Barham Down
- Battle of Bassus
- Battle of Bath
- Battle of Bristol
- Battle of Caerlaverock
- Battle of Camlann
- Battle of Cat Coit Celidon
- Battle of Catraeth
- Battle of City of the Legions
- Battle of Colchester
- Battle of Crayford | Creacanford
- Battle of Dane Hill
- Battle of Darenth
- Battle of Ealing
- Battle of Episford
- Battle of Esterbury
- Battle of Godelonte Narrows
- Battle of Guinnion
- Battle of Lansdown Hill
- Battle of Lerlinte
- Battle of Liddington Castle
- Battle of Lincoln
- Battle of Linnuis
- Battle of Llongborth
- Battle of Mons Badonicus
- Battle of Metz
- Battle of Mount Agned
- Battle of Richborough
- Battle of Rockingham
- Battle of Scholes Bank
- Battle of Slaughter Bridge
- Battle of Soissons
- Battle of the River Thames
- Battle of Tregalen
- Battle of Tribuit
- Battle of Vellendrucher
Arthur’s twelve battles. [More]
Beheading Games
A Beheading Game typically involves a challenge to a knight. [More]
Cave Legend
Where Arthur and his knights are sleeping. [More]
What is chivalry? [More]
Dolorous Stroke
The stroke which caused the Waste Land to be rendered barren, making the Grail Quest necessary. [More]
Grail […]
Two entries.
Helm Wind
A miniature hurricane. [More]
Last Supper
Where Jesus Christ used the Grail. [More]
An ability. [More]
Magic Dance
An enchantment in a forest. [More]
Round Tables
Festive events. [More]
An ability. [More]
Siege of Thong Castle
Vortimer laid siege to his father Vortigern. [More]
Sign of the Cross
A gesture. [More]
The War of the Twelve Kings
A war. [More]
Three […]
Eleven events/occasions from the Triads.
- Three Closures and Disclosures of the Island of Britain
- Three Concealments and Three Disclosures of the Island of Britain
- Three Defilements of the Severn | No entry
- Three Great Enchantments of the Island of Britain
- Three Great Exploits of the Island of Britain
- Three Harmful Blows of the Island of Britain | No entry
- Three Levies That Departed From This Land, And Not One Of Them Came Back
- Three Unfortunate Assassinations of the Island of Britain
- Three Unfortunate Counsels of the Island of Britain
- Three Unfortunate Hatchet-Blows of the Island of Britain
- Three Unrestrained Ravagings of the Island of Britain | No entry
Four entries.
Ugly Appearance
An adventure. [More]
Wild Hunt
A supernatural hunt. [More]